5. Summary
This page lists all vendor accounts that have been processed and transaction line items on a payment. Accounts with a zero payment value are listed. If this is a check payment, there will be nothing in the Payment Reference column, indicating that a check was not created for these accounts. See Payments Plus - 5. Summary Fields for more details. The success email contains a link to the Payment Summary page.
During a successful Post and Match process:
- The relevant transactions are posted and automatically matched.
- If there is no outstanding balance, the status of the related source transaction line items becomes "Matched" and their outstanding values are updated accordingly (if there is an outstanding balance, the status will remain "Available").
- The proposal's status changes to "Matched".
- Journals are posted and matched to reflect any discounts and/or currency write-offs generated by the payment.
- When you post transactions using accounts, bank accounts, expenses, products, and tax codes associated only with local GLAs, journals and cash entries are created using the local GLAs. At transaction level, the information is reflected in the transaction line items through the mappings between the corporate GLAs and the local GLAs.
You can cancel payments and use the error handling function to resubmit the Post & Match proposal or discard accounts.
See Payments Plus - 5. Summary Fields for details of the information displayed on this screen.

If, for example, a check is lost in the mail, or an electronic payment is rejected by the bank, you can cancel the payment, even after the Post & Match process. The payments that you can cancel depend on whether you have created payments at account or invoice level. The following conditions apply when canceling payments.
Payment Level |
Condition |
All | You can only cancel payments that have been successfully posted and matched. |
If your payment proposal has errors, you must correct these first, or discard the failed accounts, before you can cancel a payment. | |
Account |
You can cancel all posted and matched accounts on a payment proposal or select the accounts that you want to cancel payments for. |
You can only select accounts that have all transaction line items posted and matched. |
All transaction line items will be reset to Available, so that you can add them to another payment. |
Invoice |
You can cancel all posted and matched invoices on a payment proposal or select the invoices that you want to cancel payments for. |
Canceled transaction lines will be reset to Available, so that you can add them to another payment. |
See About Canceling Checks and Electronic Payments for more information.
You can cancel payments if their status is "Matched", "Part Canceled", or "Canceling Error".
To cancel all payments
- Click Cancel.
- In the drop-down click All.
- Enter a reason for canceling the payments.
- [Optional] The Undo Match and Refund Payment Dates default to the payment date. You can amend these dates if required. You cannot set the date earlier than the default.
- [Optional] The Undo Match Period and Refund Payment Period default to the payment date. You can amend these if required. You cannot set the period earlier than the default.
- Click Cancel All.
The records are locked and a progress bar displays.
To cancel selected payments
- Click Cancel.
- Select the checkboxes next to the accounts or invoices that you want to cancel.
- Click Cancel again and in the drop-down click Selected.
- Enter a reason for canceling the payments.
- [Optional] The Undo Match and Refund Payment Dates default payment date. You can amend these dates if required. You cannot set the date earlier than the default.
- [Optional] The Undo Match Period and Refund Payment Period default to the payment date. You can amend these if required. You cannot set the period earlier than the default.
- Click Cancel Selected.
The records are locked and a progress bar displays. When selected accounts or invoices on a payment are canceled, the Summary page displays with the updated account, invoice, and payment statuses.
You cannot cancel a payment if the status is:
- Error
- Canceled
- Discarded
- Removed (electronic only)
Also, you cannot cancel a payment if:
- The transaction line item for the cash entry has been reconciled
- The payment has a value of zero (you will have to manually undo the match)

If there is a problem with the Cancel Payment or Post & Match process, the status will change.
A. When there is a problem with the Cancel Payment process, the status is "Canceling Error".
When you click Error Handling, the options are:
- View Error Log
- Resubmit Cancel Payment
B. When there is a problem with the Post & Match process, the status is "Error".
When you click Error Handling, the options are:
- View Error Log
- Resubmit Post & Match
- Discard All Failed Payments
When you select View Error Log a popup window appears where you can view details of the payments with errors. If you cannot see the whole error message, hover over the text to see it in full.
You need to correct the errors and then resubmit.
You also receive a failure email. The failure email contains links to both the Payment Summary page and the Payment Log page.

If you have tried all other options to fix failed payments, you can discard them. The discard process sets the payment value for all failed transaction line items to zero. The status of the transactions is reset to "Available" so that you can include them in another payment proposal, or match them manually.
If all payments are discarded, the payment proposal status is set to "Discarded". If the proposal contains successfully posted and matched payments, the status will remain as "Matched".
In the sidebar, the total value of the payment is updated to reflect the discarded payment amounts. The number of vendors paid and the number of transactions paid remains the same. All three values reflect the sum of the data currently displayed in the grid.
To discard failed payments:
- Click Error Handling and then click Discard All Failed Payments.
- A warning message is displayed. Click Discard Failed.
The failed payments are discarded. The payment value for each of the transaction line items is set to zero, their statuses are reset to "Available", and the account line summary is updated.

If you have partially discarded payments from an account, the Post & Match button will be disabled.
To enable the Post & Match button you must do one of the following:
A. Post a cash entry representing the discarded amount and match it to the transaction line items that were discarded.
B. Remove the partially discarded account.

Generate QR Code - Swiss CHF Payments Only
Swiss companies benefit from the addition of a QR code which is added to the PDF document. To generate a QR code, click Generate QR Code.
When the Print Remittance or the Email Remittance button is clicked, the Conga template generated contains the QR code with payment information.
Print Remittances
To print your remittances click Print Remittances. After you print the Print Remittances button changes to Reprint Remittances, enabling you to reprint them if necessary. This button is only available when the payment status is "Matched" or "Part Canceled". This functionality is only available if you have installed Conga Integration.
Email Remittances
To email your remittances, click Email Remittances.
Alternatively, you can use the Payment Detail page:
- Go to the Payments list view.
- Select your payment proposal.
- On the Payment Detail page click Email Remittances.
Emails are sent to the Finance Contact on the account. If an account has no email contact information, no email is created or sent. You see an error message and the status is "Failed".
The date the remittance is emailed is recorded in the Remittances Emailed column.
Download PDF of Remittances
In the side panel, click to download a copy of the remittance. It is not available until you click Print Remittances or Email Remittances. This functionality is only available if you have installed Conga Integration.

If your outbound payment is unsuccessful, it will be updated with a Payment Stage of Failed. We suggest you create a list view or scheduled report to track any failed payments (see the Asperato ONE documentation for more information).
- Open the Asperato ONE app.
- Click the Payments tab.
- Click the failed payment.
- Correct the payment errors listed on the page.
- Click the Pay Out button to run the payment process again.

When the payment status is "Matched" you can print your checks. You cannot print to blank check stock from within Payments Plus, but you can using the Payment Detail page:
- Go to the Payments list view.
- Select your payment proposal.
- On the Payment Detail page click Check PDF.

Any accounts you have removed before you click Post & Match, appear on the Summary page with the status "Discarded". This way you can clearly see which accounts were paid, and which were not paid.
Hover over the status and a tool tip is displayed with the reason why the account was removed. The payment value for the accounts and the related transaction line items with the status "Discarded", is zero.
Accounts with a value always appear at the top of the list (both Matched and Error).
Accounts with a zero value appear after, in the following order:
- Match accounts
- Canceled accounts
- Discarded accounts
Payment Total
In the side panel, the removed accounts are not included in Vendors Paid or Transactions Paid. Therefore, the Payment Total will only be the sum of accounts with the status "Matched" or "Error".