Billing for Usage
If the Billing Type of a contract line item is "Recurring Variable", you can create billing documents based on customer usage records associated with that contract line item.
In order to bill based on usage, you must define the contract line item's billing dates so that the customer is billed in arrears after their usage data has been uploaded. This ensures that the customer is billed accurately using their actual usage figures. Examples of how you can define billing dates in arrears are provided below.
Examples of How to Define Billing Dates for Billing in Arrears
You might be able to define both billing periods and suitable billing dates using the Billing Term soft date. However, if you want to calculate billing dates independently from billing periods, you can do this by specifying a Recurring Bill Date.
For an introduction to how the Billing Term is used to calculate billing periods and billing dates, see Calculating Billing Periods and Billing Dates. For information about Recurring Bill Date, see Using Recurring Bill Date.

In this example a contract line item is assigned a Billing Term with the soft date MB+16d. This means that the contract line item has monthly billing periods starting on the seventeenth day of each month, and monthly billing dates falling on the seventeenth day of each month. Notice that the first bill date is after the end of the first billing period.
Billing Term | Start Date | First Bill Date |
MB+16d | November 21 2023 | December 22 2023 |
Using the MB+16d soft date, the second billing date resolves to December 17 but that is earlier than the first bill date (December 22). Therefore the billing dates all move on one month and the customer is billed in arrears.
Billing Periods |
Billing Dates |
November 21 - December 16 | December 22 |
December 17 - January 16 | January 17 |
January 17 - February 16 | February 17 |

In this example a contract line item is assigned a Billing Term with the soft date MB. This means that the contract line item has monthly billing periods starting on the first day of each month. The contract line item is also assigned a Recurring Bill Date with the soft date MB+4d. This means that the contract line item has monthly billing dates on the fifth day of each month.
Start Date | Billing Term | First Bill Date |
Recurring Bill Date |
January 15 2023 | MB | February 5 2023 | MB+4d |
By setting the first bill date to be after the end of the first billing period, future billing dates fall on the fifth day of the month after the billing period.
Billing Periods |
Billing Dates |
January 15 - January 31 | February 5 |
February 1 - February 28 | March 5 |
March 1 - March 31 | April 5 |
If you did not set the Recurring Bill Date in this example, after the first bill date the billing dates would be calculated using the Billing Term soft date (MB) resulting in them being March 1, April 1.

In this example a contract line item is assigned a Billing Term with the soft date MB. This means that the contract line item has monthly billing periods starting on the first day of each month. The contract line item is also assigned a Recurring Bill Date with the soft date +2M. This means that the contract line item is billed every two months.
Start Date | Billing Term | First Bill Date |
Recurring Bill Date |
January 1 2023 | MB | January 31 2023 | +2M |
By apply the Recurring Bill Date (+2M) to the first bill date, future billing dates fall on the last day of every second billing period.
Billing Periods |
Billing Dates |
January 1 - January 31 | January 31 |
February 1 - February 28 | March 31 |
March 1 - March 31 | May 31 |
If you did not set the Recurring Bill Date in this example, after the first bill date the billing dates would be calculated using the Billing Term soft date (MB) resulting in them being February 1, March 1.
Creating Usage Records
To create usage records and associate them with contract line items, do one of the following:
- Click New Usage in the Usage related list of the contract line item to which you want to associate the usage information.
- Create usage information manually using the Usage tab. See Creating Customer Usage Records.
- Upload usage records using Salesforce upload tools. For information about the ways in which you can upload records, see the Salesforce Help.