Creating a Plan
To create a plan:
- Click New or New Plan on the Plans tab.
- Enter a name for the plan.
- [Optional] Enter a description for the plan.
- If you want to make the plan available to customers immediately, set its status to "Active". Alternatively you can create the plan with a status of "Draft" and activate it later as explained in Activating a Plan. You cannot change an "Active" plan back to "Draft".
- Select a billing term. This is a soft date that determines the frequency at which the plan is to be billed. See Soft Dates.
- Enter the date from which the plan is available and the date on which the plan expires.
- Enter a number of billing terms, or if the plan does not have an end date, select Continuous. The Billing Term and Number of Billing Terms determine the length of a contract when you create a contract from a plan.
- [Optional] Complete the remaining fields. See Plan Fields for information about specific fields.
- Click Save.
The following steps explain how to add plan line items using the BC Plan Line Items Lightning component. Additional information about using this component is provided in Lightning Component Related Lists.
- Click Add in the Plan Line Items related list of the Plan Detail page.
- Select the price book that you want to obtain the default unit price from. The available products in that price book are listed.
- [Optional] Enter the name of the product or service you want to search for, then press Enter. Results that match your search term are listed.
- Select the products you want to add to the plan.
- When you have selected all the products you want from the current price book, click Next.
- For each plan line item:
- Select the billing type. If the line is to be billed on a recurring basis, select the billing type "Recurring Fixed". If the line is to be billed once, select "One-off". If the line is to be billed based on customer usage, select "Recurring Variable".
- [Optional] Edit the unit price. The Sales Price for the plan line item is calculated using the formula: Quantity x Unit Price.
- Enter the required quantity.
- [Optional] Select a unit of measure or create a new one by using the +New Unit of Measure option. The unit of measure is used for reporting purposes.
- [Optional] For "Recurring Fixed" line items, select a charge term or create a new one by using the +New Soft Date option. You only need to enter a charge term on the line item if it is to be charged at a different frequency from the billing term on the plan header.
- Click Save.

- Click New Plan Line Item in the Plan Line Items related list of the Plan Detail page.
- Enter the Product or Service for the plan line item, then complete the other plan line item fields as required. See Plan Fields for information about specific fields.
- Click Save.
Repeat these steps to add more plan line items as required.

- Click New Plan on the Plans tab
- Enter a name for the plan, then complete the other plan fields as required. See Plan Fields for information about specific fields.
- Add lines for each product or service to be included in the plan.
- Click Create to create the plan with the plan line items that you have added.