Configuring Filters in Financial Reports
The sidebar on a financial statement or customized report provides you with a selection of filters to customize your report view. You can hide this sidebar to maximize the space available in the page by clicking . You can also refine the data the report displays by creating and configuring filters.
To create and configure your filters perform the following steps:
- Click
- Specify a display name for your filter.
- Select the field type for the filter you want to create. The available types are: Dimension, Measure, Soft Date, and Date.
- Select your required lens. The grouping you have specified for this lens in Analytics Studio is displayed in the field section below.
- In the section corresponding to the field type, select the fields you want to filter by.
- Specify filter logic operators. Available options are the following:
- For Dimension type fields: Contains, Equals, Not Equals, Is Null, Is Not Null.
- For Measure type fields: Equals, Not Equals, Between, Greater Than, Greater Than Or Equal To, Less Than, Less Than Or Equal To, Is Null, Is Not Null.
- For Date type fields: Between, Greater Than Or Equal To, Less Than Or Equal To, Is Null, Is Not Null.
- [Optional] Select the Default Selection for the filter that matches your filter logic. This option is disabled for "Is Null" and "Is Not Null" operators.
- Click Save to create the filter.
After a filter is created you can modify it, to do so click to open your selected filter in Analytics Studio. Once you have finished modifying your filter refresh the web browser page for the report to update it.
For example, after configuring your Report Component, you can create a Company Name drop-down filter in the sidebar to refine the data displayed by the report to show only information related to your selected companies.
You can create up to five filters for reports created using the Financial Reports tab. You can add more filters by editing the Lightning page layout for your report. For more information on editing the page layout, see Configuring Financial Report Builder.
Current Period Date Override Filter
The Current Period Date Override filter enables you to override the default date used by the report. This setting is used in conjunction with soft dates. If soft dates are not configured on your reports the override filter can't be used. When both the soft date in the table configuration and the current period date override filter are enabled, selections in the override filter have precedence.
If you do not specify a current period date override, then today's date is stored as the default. The date you specify must be in a Salesforce-approved format such as "d MMM yyyy".
To set an override date perform the following steps:
- Enable the Current Period Date Override in your report using the respective checkbox in the page layout.
- In the report's filter panel, the Current Period Date component displays today's date by default.
- Use the component date picker to select the override date. This filter must be used in conjunction with the Soft Dates filter to display the data according to your needs.
- Click
. The date selected for your Current Period Date Override filter is now stored and applied as your current period date override when you add this filter to subsequent reports.