Assignment Fields

Here is a description of the fields and buttons on an assignment record.

Information Fields

* – Mandatory field
R – Read-only

Field     Description
Action: Refresh Expense Roll-Ups     If selected when saving, recalculates information from expenses associated with the assignment.
Action: Refresh EVA Hours From Timecards     If selected when saving, refreshes Actual Time information on Est Vs Actuals records from timecards associated with the assignment.
Action: Refresh Hours From Schedule     If selected when saving, refreshes Scheduled Hours and Est Vs Actuals records related to the Assignment Schedule.
Action: Refresh Timecard Roll-Ups     If selected when saving, recalculates information from timecards associated with the assignment.
Action: Sync with External Calendar     When selected on save, the assignment is synced with an external calendar.
Assignment Daily Notes     Concatenated notes from the assignment's daily notes child records. You can use this information to create workflows that provide email notifications when users enter assignment daily notes or modify them.
Assignment Name *  

Unless you have created an assignment manually, this is created from the project name and the resource name in the format 'ProjectName - ResourceName'. The maximum length is 80 characters, including the 3 separating characters between the project and resource names. If the combined length of your project and resource names exceeds 77 characters, they are truncated proportionally. You can configure the maximum lengths of project names and resources names to be used in assignment names. See Assignment Settings.

Assignment Number   R System generated unique assignment number referenced on other PSA pages.
Currency *   Currency to use for the assignment.
Description     Text box where you can enter further information about the assignment.
Eligible for Schedule Recalculation    

This checkbox is selected automatically when project tasks or their associated tasks are updated, added, or deleted, either on the Salesforce platform or in PSA. Any of these changes make the assignment schedule eligible for recalculation.

To recalculate the assignment schedules on a project record, click Resource Requests | Reschedule Assignments. This updates the start and end dates, and requested hours of the PTAs on the eligible assignments.

The checkbox is deselected after the recalculation.

Estimated Time To Completion     The estimated hours to complete the assignment. You can start with the original hours and change the value if the assignment continues beyond the original schedule.
Exclude from Planners     If selected, excludes the assignment from Work Planners and from the Resource and Project Planners. Any excluded assignments are omitted from totals calculations in all planners and from color coding in the Resource and Project Planners.
Location     Location for the assignment.
Milestone     Milestone for the assignment. Timecards logged for the assignment are associated with this milestoneClosed A fixed target, which when achieved, can be billed to the customer for a fixed fee or by logging time against it..
Nickname     Your alias for the assignment name.
Owner   R Owner of the assignment. The default value is the person who created it.
Percent Allocated    

The percentage of time the associated assignment schedule takes up of a resource's available working time (taking holidays into account) across the scheduled days, according to their work calendar. For example, if the resource's work calendar is eight hours per day Monday to Friday and the assignment schedule is four hours per day Monday to Friday, it means the resource is 50% allocated.

Planned Hours

    Number of hours originally planned for the assignment. This field exists on projects, assignments and milestones and is for simple planning purposes. You can set Salesforce field-level security can be set on this field. When you create an assignment from a resource requestClosed A means of asking for resources for a project or an opportunity., the requested hours data on the resource request is copied to the Planned Hours field on the assignment. When you create a project from a template, the planned hours data is copied.
Project *   Project that the resource is assigned to. This is copied from the resource request page.
Projected Revenue     Projected Revenue from this assignment calculated from the bill rate and hours.
Resource *   The resourceClosed A contact that works on a project. to be assigned to the projectClosed A collection of activities and related items to be managed over a defined time range, such as timecards, expenses, milestones and budgets. copied from the resource request page.
Resource Request     Lookup to the associated resource request. This field is only populated when you create an assignment from a resource request using the Assign Resource section of the Resource Request page or the Search Resources page. When you create a project from a template, the resource requests associated with the assignment are copied.
Role     The role to which the resource is being assigned.
Schedule *   System generated unique schedule number referenced on other PSA pages.
Schedule Updated     Indicates whether the schedule is updated based on any amendments made on the assignment detail page
Show Assignment Methodologies Only     Indicates whether the Methodology field on the Time Entry page and Expense Entry page only lists assignment methodologies. When true, only assignment methodologies are shown. When false, the methodologies that belong to the project to which the assignment relates are shown. The default value is false.
Show Assignment Milestones Only     Indicates whether the Milestone field on the Time Entry page and Expense Entry pages only lists assignment milestones. When true, only assignment milestones are shown. When false, the milestones that belong to the project to which the assignment relates are shown. The default value is false.
Show Assignment Phases Only     Indicates whether the Phase field on the Time Entry page and Expense Entry page only lists assignment phases. When true, only assignment phases are shown. When false, the phases that belong to the project to which the assignment relates are shown. The default value is false.
Status     Status of the assignment. Your administrator can configure the options that appear in the list.
Team Member Swapped Out     This field shows the most recent resource who was previously assigned to the assignment before the action of shift swap. Note this field is only used in the swap shift functionality in Team Schedule Planner. For more information, see Swapping Team Schedules.
Team Member Swap Date     This field shows the date on which most recent swap occurred. Note this field is only used in the swap shift functionality in Team Schedule Planner. For more information, see Swapping Team Schedules.
Use Project Currency For Resource Cost     Indicates whether the project currency is used in the resource cost calculations when your organization uses multiple currencies.
Use Resource Currency For Resource Cost     Indicates whether the resource currency is used in the resource cost calculations when your organization uses multiple currencies.

Assignment Attribute Fields

Field Description
Billable Indicates whether the assignment is billable and therefore included in billing events.
Closed for Expense Entry Indicated whether the resource can no longer log expenses for the assignment. This is normally associated with project closure.
Closed for Time Entry Indicates whether the resource can no longer log hours for time entry.
Daily Timecard Notes Required Indicates whether the resource must enter daily notes before saving timecards for this assignment.
Exclude from Billing Indicates whether all the assignment's child timecard splits and expenses are to be created with the Exclude from Billing checkbox selected, which makes them ineligible for billing generation. You can override this setting on child objects such as a timecard splitClosed A whole timecard or part of a timecard. and an expenseClosed A record of expenses incurred by resources assigned to a project or opportunity..
Exclude from Utilization Indicates whether the assignment is excluded from utilization calculations. For example, assignments with the status of "Closed" that you do not want to include in utilization calculations.
Exclude from External Calendar Sync When selected on save, the assignment is not synced with an external calendar and any existing calendar events for the assignment are also deleted.
Hours to Days Rule Lookup to the hours to days rule to apply when calculating the number of hours on a timecard day that count as a day or a half day when using daily rates for billing and cost calculations. For further information, see About Hours to Days Rules.
Time Credited Indicates whether time logged for the assignment is credited for utilization if it is not billable.
Time Excluded Indicates whether the time entered by the resource on this assignment is excluded from the total number of utilization hours in the time periodClosed A period of time with a start date and an end date to which forecasts, actuals calculations, billing event batches, utilization calculations and region plans belong.. For instance, it does not count against the total number of hours used in the utilization calculation.

Rate Information

Field   Description
Bill Rate * Rate used when calculating billing for the hours entered on timecards for the assignmentClosed Connection between a resource and a project..
Bill Rate is Daily Rate   Indicates whether the bill rate is a daily rate.
Cost Rate Amount *

Rate used to calculate the cost of the resource for the time entered on this assignment.

Note: If you use FLSClosed Field Level Security to suppress access to the Default Cost Rate field on a Resource for a user who is creating assignments, we recommend you apply the same access restrictions to the Cost Rate Amount field on the Assignment object.
Cost Rate Currency Code   Currency used to calculate the resource cost for the assignment. This is used when your organization uses multiple currencies.
Cost Rate Is Daily Rate   Indicates whether the cost rate is a daily rate.
Resource Cost Rate Date   Effective cost rate for this assignment. The default date is today.
Use Resource Default Cost Rate   Indicates whether the cost rate in the resource's contact record is used for the default cost rate.
Use Default Cost Rate as Daily   Indicates whether the resource's default cost rate is a daily rate.

Assignment Totals Fields

Key: Number preceding the comma represents the length of the field. Number after the comma represents the number of decimal places.

Fields   Description
Billable Hours Submitted 12,2 Number of billable hours the resource logged against the assignment.
Billable Days Submitted 10,0 Number of billable days the resource logged against the assignment.
Non-Billable Hours Submitted 12,2 Number of non-billable hours the resource logged against the assignment.
Non-Billable Days Submitted 10,0 Number of non-billable days the resource logged against the assignment.
Billable Amount Submitted   Value of billable hours the resource logged against the assignment.
Billable Expenses Submitted   Pass-through billable expenses the resource logged against the assignment.
Non-Billable Expenses Submitted   Non-billable expenses the resource logged against the assignment.
Billable Hours in Financials 12,2 Number of billable hours the resource logged against the assignment, which you can view in the project and RPGClosed Abbreviation of region, practice, group.actualsClosed Totals for a given time period..
Billable Days in Financials 10,0 Number of billable days the resource logged against the assignment, which you can view in the project and RPG actuals.
Non-Billable Hours in Financials 12,2 Number of non-billable hours the resource logged against the assignment, which you can view in the project and RPG actuals.
Non-Billable Days in Financials 10,0 Number of non-billable days the resource logged against the assignment, which you can view in the project and RPG actuals.
Billable Amount in Financials   Value of billable hours the resource logged against the assignment, which you can view in the project and RPG actuals.
Billable Expenses in Financials   Pass-through billable expenses the resource logged against the assignment, which you can view in the project and RPG actuals.
Non-Billable Expenses in Financials   Non-billable expenses the resource logged against the assignment, which you can view in the project and RPG actuals.

Override Region/Practice/Group

You can use these fields to override the RPGClosed Abbreviation of region, practice, group. to which expenses, timecard revenue and timecardClosed A mechanism for logging time against a project or an assignment. costs roll-upClosed Term used to describe how a lower level figure or transaction is included in a higher level transaction or calculation. to.

Field Description
Override RPG Enabled Indicates whether RPG overrides are enabled for the assignment.
Override RPG Audit Notes Allows you to enter notes for the override
Override Expense Region/Practice/Group Overrides the default regionClosed A level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects., practiceClosed A level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects. or groupClosed A level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects. to which the assignment's expense transactions roll-up to.
Override Timecard Revenue Region/Practice/Group Overrides the default region, practice or group to which the assignment's timecard revenue transactions roll-up to.
Override Timecard Cost Region/Practice/Group Overrides the default region, practice or group to which the assignment's timecard cost transactions roll-up to.

Integration Hub

The following fields are available for Integration Hub Connector: Concur - PSA and Integration Hub Connector: Jira - PSA.

Integration Hub Connector: Concur - PSA

The following fields are available if you are using the Integration Hub Connector: Concur - PSA.

Key: R – Read-only

Field   Description
Send to Third-Party Expenses Application R

Formula field that indicates if the assignment is eligible for syncing with a third-party expenses application, for example, with Concur. Automatically selected if the following is true:

  • Closed for Expense Entry is deselected
  • Closed for Expense Entry is deselected on the related project
  • Is Resource and Is Resource Active are selected on the related resource
Third-Party Expenses App Correlation ID  

Unique identifier of the assignment in a third-party expenses application, for example, Concur. Automatically populates after the assignment is synced to Concur.


You must not change this value manually.

Integration Hub Connector: Jira - PSA

The following field is available if you are using the Integration Hub Connector: Jira - PSA.

Field Description
Use for Syncing Time from Jira

Determines if this assignment is used for syncing Jira work logs with PSA timecards for the project and resource. Only one assignment can be used for syncing time from Jira for a single project and resource in a single time frame. For example, assume that you have two assignments for the same project and resource. One of the assignments starts on January 1 and ends on March 31, while the other starts on April 1 and ends on June 30. In this case, both assignments can have the Use for Syncing Time from Jira field selected. However, if the second assignment starts on February 1, you must choose only one for syncing time from Jira.

When you create a new assignment for a project and resource that don't have any prior assignments with overlapping start and end dates, this field is selected by default.

Accounting Integration

If Services Resource Planning is installed in your org, additional fields are available on the Assignment object. For more information, see Assignment Fields.

System Fields

The following fields are used by PSA to maintain assignment records.

Field     Description
API Assignment Correlation ID  

The unique identifier that links an assignment to a time off request in a third-party HCM application. PSA automatically populates this field when time off details are entered via the API, however, you can enter a value manually.

Utilization Run     The ID of the last utilization run to process the assignment. This field is only populated when the assignment is processed by a utilization run. It allows the utilization process to track the assignments that have been processed.


Button Description
Edit Opens the assignment for editing.
Delete Deletes the assignment.
Clone Creates a copy of the assignment.
Close Assignment Allows you to close the assignment for time and expense entry.
Zero Schedule Allows you to reset the schedule for the resource to zero.
Edit Schedule Allows you to edit the schedule for the assignment and insert schedule exceptions.


Quick Action Description
Zero Schedule Allows you to reset the schedule for the resource to zero.

Optional Related Lists on the Assignment Tab

  • Timecards
  • Expenses
  • Expense Reports
  • Estimates vs Actuals