Reviewing Revenue Forecast Versions
Services leaders, regional managers, and project managers can use the Review Forecast Version page to review revenue forecast versions for projects and opportunities.
To use this page, you must have been assigned the relevant Revenue Forecasting permissions. You also need permission to view the relevant projects, opportunities, and milestones. For more information on Revenue Forecasting permissions, see Revenue Forecasting Permissions.
To view the page, do one of the following:
- Select the Review Forecast Version tab.
- Click Review Forecast Version in the Navigation pane on the Services Revenue Forecasting workspace. For more information, see Services Revenue Forecasting Workspace.
The revenue forecast version with a status of "Current" is displayed by default. For more information about the "Current" and "Previous" statuses, see Scheduling Revenue Forecast Versions.
To prevent anyone from making adjustments to a version, click Lock Version. For more information, see Adjusting and Locking a Revenue Forecast Version.
To select a different revenue forecast version, click Switch Version.
To update the page to reflect the most recent values, including adjustments by other users, click .
To filter the data displayed, click . For more information, see Filters.
Values are displayed in the corporate currency by default to enable you to compare values across different currencies. In the Forecast Breakdown grid, you can toggle Show Local Currency to switch between viewing values in corporate currency or local currency. For information on exchange rates, see Revenue Forecasting Exchange Rates.

Summary cards are displayed for the selected version, covering the version forecast period that was specified on the active revenue forecast setup record at the time the version was created. The cards show the following for the forecast period in the corporate currency:
- Total Revenue Forecast: this is the calculated total value and does not include any management adjustments.
- Actuals.
- Calculated Forecast: includes both scheduled and unscheduled revenue, unless Exclude Unscheduled Revenue for Versions was set to true on the active revenue forecast setup record when the version was created. This value does not include any management adjustments.

The chart represents the data in the Forecast Breakdown grid and enables you to identify fluctuations and trends easily.
The X‑axis has month and quarter markers that indicate the end date of each time period. The Y‑axis shows the total revenue amount in the corporate currency.
The Version Date vertical line indicates the date this version was created.
The chart shows separate lines for the following:
- Actual revenue
- Best case forecast revenue (if you are including best case scenarios)
- Expected forecast revenue
- Worst case forecast revenue (if you are including worst case scenarios)
For more information about setting up PSA to include best and worst case scenarios in revenue forecasts, see Setting up Forecasting.
If management adjustments have been made to the values in the Forecast Breakdown grid, select Adjusted Values from the picklist to view the adjusted values on the chart.
If you have not enabled best and worst case scenarios, the tooltip displays the Expected value, including any adjustments made.
If you have enabled best and worst case scenarios, the tooltip displays the following:
- Actuals: the actual revenue
- Best Case: the best case scenario
- Expected: the original calculated forecast revenue, including any adjustments made if Adjusted Values is selected
- Worst Case: the worst case scenario

The Forecast Breakdown grid shows project and opportunity totals to two decimal places for each time period that is included in the selected revenue forecast version.
To view values for each relevant revenue source broken down by revenue type (forecast or actual), click the arrow next to a project to expand the tree.
If you have configured PSA to include best and worst case scenarios in revenue forecasts, best case, expected, and worst case columns are displayed for each time period. For more information about setting up PSA to include best and worst case scenarios in revenue forecasts, see Setting up Forecasting.
To view useful details about a project, opportunity, or milestone in the Revenue Source column, do one of the following:
- Hover over it
- Use your keyboard to navigate to it and press Enter
For information on how to configure the hover details displayed, see Setting up Forecasting.
To specify whether you want the totals to be broken down by region, practice, or group (RPG Abbreviation of region, practice, group.), you can use the Object for Version Grouping picklist in Revenue Forecast Setup. The totals are broken down by region by default. For more information, see Revenue Forecast Setup Fields.
When version grouping by region, if a region has not been set on any relevant project or opportunity records, the values are totaled and displayed in the grid against No Region Specified. This works in the same way when version grouping by practice or group.
Values are displayed in the corporate currency by default but you can toggle Show Local Currency to switch between viewing values in the corporate currency and the local currency.
For maximum accuracy, you can make management adjustments at RPG, project, opportunity, and milestone level to values displayed in the Forecast Breakdown grid. When all adjustments are complete and to prevent any further changes, you can lock the revenue forecast version. For more information, see Locking and Unlocking a Revenue Forecast Version.
Icons indicate that an adjustment has been made to the following:
- A value in a cell
- A value lower down in the RPG hierarchy, for summary roll-ups
If adjustments are applied but the original calculated value is unchanged, no icon is displayed.
The following icons are used:
- indicates the adjusted or summary roll-up value is greater than the original calculated value
- indicates the adjusted or summary roll-up value is less than the original calculated value
To view a tooltip containing details of an adjustment or a summary roll-up, hover over the corresponding cell in the grid. The following information is displayed:
- Roll-Up Total: total revenue, including adjustments made lower down in the RPG hierarchy (displayed on summary roll‑ups only)
- Adjusted Total: the adjustment value entered (displayed on adjustments only)
- Total: the original calculated value
- Variance: Adjusted Total ‑ Total
- Percent Variance: the percentage by which the original calculated value has increased or decreased following an adjustment
- Adjusted By: the user who made the adjustment (displayed on adjustments only)
- Adjustment Date: the date the adjustment was made (displayed on adjustments only)
- Notes: information explaining the reason for the adjustment (displayed on adjustments only)

Filters enable you to focus the data displayed in the summary cards, chart, and grid on the Review Forecast Version page so that only the data you want to view is displayed.
To filter the data:
- Click
to show the Filters panel.
- [Optional] Use the Period From picklist to select the start period in the time frame you want to filter by. If you select a start period and leave Period To blank, data is included from all monthly time periods in the version forecast period that are after the start period.
- [Optional] Use the Period To picklist to select the end period in the time frame you want to filter by. If you select an end period and leave Period From blank, data is included from all monthly time periods in the version forecast period that are before the end period.
- [Optional] Search for and select a region, practice, or group you want to filter by. You can search for and select multiple regions, practices, or groups.
- [Optional] Select Exclude Projects to filter out all project data. Alternatively, use the Project filter to only include data from specified projects. You can search for and select multiple projects.
- [Optional] Use the Project Manager filter to only include data for a specified project manager. You can search for and select multiple project managers.
- [Optional] Select Exclude Opportunities to filter out all opportunity data. Alternatively, use the Opportunity filter to only include data from specified opportunities. You can search for and select multiple opportunities.
- [Optional] Use any custom filters you have set up to focus on data in specific fields on the project, opportunity, or milestone objects. For information on how to set up custom filters, see Setting up Forecasting.
- Click Apply to apply your filter criteria to the values displayed in the summary cards, chart, and Forecast Breakdown grid.
- [Optional] Click
to hide the Filters panel.
The filters remain applied until you click Clear, refresh your browser page, or click Switch Version when all data in the relevant forecast version period is redisplayed.
If you click on the Review Forecast Version page to refresh the data, the filters remain applied.