Project Fields
Here is a description of the fields that make up a
project A collection of activities and related items to be managed over a defined time range, such as timecards, expenses, milestones and budgets. record. Some of these fields might not be visible or editable at all times, or in all package combinations.
Key: R – Read-only
Information and Project Detail
Field | Description | |
Account | Lookup to the related account![]() |
Actuals: Last Recalc Date | The date actuals were last recalculated for the project. | |
Actuals: Last Update Date | The date and time actuals were last updated for the project. | |
Actuals: Last Updated By | Lookup to the related user for the last update date. | |
Actuals: Need Recalc | Indicates whether project actuals need to be re-calculated for the project. When you change the master or parent project in a project hierarchy, the Actuals: Need Recalc checkbox is automatically selected on both the original master/parent project and the new master/parent project. You can control this behavior through the handleProjectTrigger.SetActualsNeedRecalc trigger setting. Projects for which actuals need to be recalculated are included when you recalculate project actuals for selected projects, either manually or on a schedule. For more information, see Recalculating Resource and Project Actuals. |
Adjust End Date | If selected, indicates the project's end date is adjusted automatically to match the end date of the project task with the latest end date in Gantt. For more information, see Gantt Preferences. | |
Baseline | R | Baseline version of this project. |
Baseline End Date | R | End date recorded on the project baseline. |
Baseline Phase | R | Project phase recorded on the project baseline. |
Baseline Stage | R | Stage recorded on the project baseline. |
Baseline Start Date | R | Start date recorded on the project baseline. |
Billing Queues Need Recalc | Indicates whether billing queues need to be re-calculated for the project. When a process changes the Exclude from Billing field, the Billing Queues Need Recalc is automatically selected. Your administrator can write Apex to schedule project billing recalculation using the Billing Generate Queue class. Projects for which billing needs to be recalculated are included when the project billing recalculation occurs. For more information, see Scheduling Billing Queue Recalculation. |
Billing Type | Type of billing, such as Fixed Price or Time and Materials. A Time and Materials project tracks hours entered by resources with assignment and schedules as the main method of billing. | |
Company | Lookup to the related Foundations company. | |
Copy Child Records from Template Async | Determines whether project-related data including tasks are created in asynchronous mode when you click Create Project From Template. This field is only enabled for use when your administrator has added it to the Create Project From Opp And Template Project Columns field set. See Project Field Sets for more information. | |
Currency | When working with multiple currencies, allows you to choose a currency to report the project figures in when different from the default currency for your Salesforce org. | |
End Date | Date this project ends. | |
Engagement |
Lookup to the related engagement If you use the Billing Events integration to create billing documents from billing events, , the project's engagement is automatically copied to the billing documents. When the project related to a billing event has an engagement defined, the Engagement value is copied from the project to the Engagement lookup on the resulting billing documents. For more information, see Engagements. |
Exclude from Backlog | Indicates whether the project is to be excluded from backlog calculations. | |
Exclude Project from Display on Billing | If selected, excludes the project from displaying on the billing screen. | |
Group | Lookup to the related group![]() |
Include In Forecasting | Indicates whether the project is to be included in forecasting. | |
Location | The project's location. | |
Notes | Enter project staffing notes. | |
Opportunity | Lookup to the related opportunity. Enter the opportunity for the project unless you are using it to track items other than revenue such as vacations or internal non-billable projects. | |
Opportunity Owner | Contact who owns the related opportunity. | |
Practice | Lookup to the related practice![]() ![]() |
Pre-Bill Type | R | The type of pre-billing selected for the project. This indicates whether the customer has been pre-billed for a part of the budget or all of it. |
Project ID | R | Unique project identifier assigned by the system. |
Project Manager |
Lookup to the related contact. Used on the resource planner |
Project Name | Name of the project. Should relate to the account![]() |
Project Phase | Current phase of the project. | |
Project Type | Classification of the project. | |
Rate Card Discount Limit | Sets the rate card's minimum suggested bill rate to which the discount will be applied. | |
Rate Card Percentage Discount | Sets the discount in percent applicable on a rate card's suggested bill rate when creating or updating a resource request or assignment on a project. | |
Rate Card Set | Specifies the rate card set, composed of multiple separate rate cards, which determines which rate cards are applied to the project. | |
Region | Lookup to the related region![]() |
Services Billing Time Period Type | The time period type to use when generating billing events and billing event batches for the project. | |
Share with Project Manager | Indicates whether project related business records such as milestones are shared with the project manager. | |
Share with Project Resources | Indicates whether project related business records such as milestones are shared with resources assigned to the project. | |
Stage | Current stage of the project. | |
Start Date | Date this project starts. | |
Template | Indicates whether this project is a template and appears in the list of projects when you click Create Project From Template. | |
Time Logged in Days | If selected, time is logged using days instead of hours. | |
Time Zone | The project time zone is used when creating tasks for a project in Gantt. | |
Version Config | The version config record to use when creating a version for this project. If not defined, your organization's default version config is used. | |
Work Calendar | The associated Work Calendar. |
Project Tracking
Field | Description |
Alert Recipient |
Lookup to available contacts. An email is sent to the selected contact when the value in the Percentage Used field equals or exceeds the value in the Alert Threshold field. No email is sent if this field is blank or if no email address is recorded for the selected contact. Apply Billing Cap must be selected and there must also be a value in the Alert Threshold field. For details of how to customize the email template, see the Salesforce help. To open the template:
Alert Threshold | Triggers an email when Percentage Used equals or exceeds the percentage value entered. Apply Billing Cap must be selected and there must also be a contact in the Alert Recipient field. |
Apply Billing Cap | Checkbox to trigger an email when the project billings total is over a threshold percentage of its bookings total. There must be a contact in the Alert Recipient field and there must also be a value in the Alert Threshold field. |
Auto-Cap Billing | If selected, billing events that will exceed the project's billing cap are stopped from being released. |
Percentage Used | The percentage of bookings that are already ready-to-bill, including any pre-billed amount. |
Remaining Amount | The bookings amount minus ready-to-bill records and any pre-billed amount. |
Project Status
Project Attributes
Key: G - Used in global projects.
Field | Description | |
Active |
Indicates whether this project is active. When deselected, this project's Scheduled Backlog will not be calculated or reflected in roll-ups. Also when deselected, you cannot enter, delete or materially update further business records on this project. |
Billable | G | Indicates whether this project is billable. When deselected, this project's numbers will not be reflected in any billing information. |
Exclude From Billing | Indicates whether this project should be excluded from billing events. | |
Exclude from Project Variance Batch | Indicates whether this project should be excluded from the Calculate Hours Variance on Projects batch job that is run from the PSA Administration tab. | |
Closed for Time Entry | Indicates whether this project is closed for timecard entry. | |
Closed for Expense Entry | Indicates whether this project is closed for expense entry. | |
Exclude from Project Planner | Indicates whether this project is hidden from view in the project planner![]() |
Allow Self Staffing | Indicates whether resources have permission to create their own assignments for the project. This overrides the staffing permission controls for the project or resource. | |
Allow Timecards Without Assignment | G | Enables the entry of timecards without the resource requiring an assignment![]() |
Allow Expenses Without Assignment | G | Enables the entry of timecards and expenses without the resource requiring an assignment. |
Time Credited | Indicates if non-billable time for internal resources is credited for utilization. For example, you may want time spent on consulting to count towards utilization. | |
Time Excluded | Indicates if non-billable time for internal resources is excluded from the utilization calculation. | |
Daily Timecard Notes Required | Makes the entry of timecard notes mandatory. | |
Billable Expense Fee Percentage | Fee percentage by which to increase the billable amount of any Expense logged for the project. Set to 0% for no increase (default). Set to 100% to double the amount. The calculation applies the percentage expense fee before any flat expense fee. | |
Billable Expense Fee Flat | The flat fee in project currency by which to increase the billable amount of an expense logged to the project. The increase is applied after any percentage fee increase. The default value is taken from the Billable Expense Fee Flat field on the project. | |
Expense Notes | Makes the entry of expense notes mandatory. | |
Share with Project Manager | Enables the sharing of project information with the user designated as project manager. | |
Share with Project Resources | Enables the sharing of information such as milestones with resources assigned to the project. | |
Hours to Days Rule | Lookup to the hours to days rule to apply when calculating the number of hours on a timecard day that count as a day or a half day when using daily rates for billing and cost calculations. For further information, see About Hours to Days Rules. |
Project Cost and Revenue Summary
The following notes apply to the Project Cost and Revenue Summary Visualforce page:
- Values only relate to the project being viewed and don't include values from sub-projects.
- Empty fields or columns are not displayed.
- The Cost and Revenue Summary respects the permissions that relate to cost rate and bill rate calculations. If there are any missing permissions on individual fields, partial values are displayed with an information message.
- If a milestone has a zero in the Milestone Amount field, the project is classified as a Fixed Price project and the milestone record is not included in the summary.
- Values are calculated and displayed in the project currency. If any values listed are not in the project currency, they will be converted to the project currency using today's exchange rate before being totaled. See Setting up Currencies for more information on configuring multi-currency conversion.
All fields are read-only.
Field | Description |
Bill Rate |
Taken from the Bill Rate field on an assignment, or from the combined value of the Suggested Bill Rate Number and Suggested Bill Rate Currency Code fields on a resource request. |
Cost Rate | Taken from the Cost Rate field on an assignment, or from the Average Cost Rate field on a resource request. If the resource request is a held resource request, the cost rate is taken from the Default Cost Rate field on the resource. If Default Cost Rate is Daily Rate is set to false on a resource, the Default Cost Rate is used. If, however, Default Cost Rate is Daily Rate is set to true on a resource, the cost rate is calculated as follows:
For assignments, if Cost Rate is Daily Rate is set to true, the cost rate per hour is calculated and displayed. If, however, Use Scheduled Days for Calculations is set to true in the Assignment Settings custom setting, the cost rate per day is displayed. The cost rate value in the Totals row shows the average cost rate (Total Estimated Cost divided by Total Hours), provided Use Scheduled Days for Calculations is set to true in the Assignment Settings custom setting. |
Estimated Cost | If the cost rate is per hour, the value is Total Hours multiplied by Cost Rate, broken down by role. If the cost rate is per day, the value is Total Days multiplied by Cost Rate, broken down by role. |
Estimated Margin % | Total Estimated Margin divided by the Total Estimated Revenue, expressed as a percentage. |
Estimated Revenue | If the bill rate is per hour, the value is Total Hours multiplied by Bill Rate, broken down by role.
If the bill rate is per day, the value is Total Days multiplied by Bill Rate, broken down by role. |
Milestone Amount | Taken from the Milestone Amount value recorded on the corresponding milestone record. |
Milestone Cost | Taken from the Milestone Cost value recorded on the corresponding milestone record. A Milestone Cost value is not displayed if Log Milestone Cost As External is false on the milestone record. |
Milestone Name | Taken from the Milestone Name field on the corresponding milestone record. |
Resource Role | Lists the roles that appear on all relevant assignments and resource requests. If multiple assignments and resource requests are recorded for a single role, the values for Total Hours, Estimated Cost, and Estimated Revenue are totaled and displayed on one line, provided the following are the same:
Target Date | Taken from the Target Date value recorded on the corresponding milestone record. |
Total Estimated Cost | The sum of the values in the Estimated Cost column plus the sum of the values in the Milestone Cost column. |
Total Estimated Margin | Total Estimated Revenue minus the Total Estimated Cost. |
Total Estimated Revenue | The sum of the values in the Estimated Revenue column plus the sum of the values in the Milestone Amount column. |
Total Assigned Days | Total number of days recorded on the relevant assignments when Use Scheduled Days for Calculations is set to true in the Assignment Settings custom setting. This value only includes the days from assignments and not from resource requests. |
Total Hours Per Role |
The combined hours of resources for specific roles, calculated from the following fields:
Total Hours/Days |
This column is only displayed if Use Scheduled Days for Calculations is set to true in the Assignment Settings custom setting.
Task Information
Field | Description | |
Tasks Total Points | Total of points on all project tasks. | |
Tasks Total Points Complete | Total of points on completed project tasks. | |
Tasks Total Percent Complete (Points) | R | Percentage of project tasks that are complete based on task points. |
Total Number of Tasks | Total number of project tasks. |
Project Monitor
Key: R – Read-only
Field | Description | |
Planned Hours | Number of hours planned for the project. | |
Total Assigned Hours | R | Total number of hours from project assignments. |
Total Projected Revenue From Assignments | R | Total projected revenue from all project assignments |
Selected Time Period
Key: R – Read-only
Field | Description | |
Action: Update Current Time Period | Indicates whether project numbers within the current time period are to be updated when you next save the project. Use this checkbox to update project numbers after changing the Project Time Period field. | |
Current Time Period | R | Name of the current time period![]() |
Current Time Period End Date | R | Last day of current time period. |
Actual values, for the project, at a given point in time, based on selected time period. All read-only.
Revenue Actuals
Field | Description | |
Billed | Sum of billed amounts. Expenses, timecard splits and miscellaneous adjustments that are billable contribute to billed revenue after they are billed/invoiced. Milestones contribute to billed and invoiced revenue after they are billed/invoiced. | |
Billings | Sum of ready-to-bill revenue from timecards, milestones, and miscellaneous adjustments. | |
Bookings | Booked revenue for this project. Budgets of type Customer PO and Customer PO Change Order contribute to bookings. | |
Expense Budget | Sum of expense budgets for the project. The Expense Amount field of a budget contributes to this field if the budget is of type: Customer PO, Customer PO Change Order, Internal Budget or Internal Budget Change Request. | |
Internal Budget | Sum of internal budgets for the project. The Amount field of a budget contributes to this field if the budget is of type: Internal Budget or Internal Budget Change Request. | |
Invoiced | Sum of invoiced amounts. Expenses, timecard splits and miscellaneous adjustments that are billable contribute to invoiced revenue after they are billed/invoiced. Milestones contribute to invoiced revenue after they are billed/invoiced. | |
Margin | Billings minus Total Costs. | |
Pass-Through Billing | Sum of pass-through billings, including expenses. | |
Pre-Billed | Amount already billed for the project. | |
Revenue | Revenue is not calculated or rolled up. Enter a miscellaneous adjustment![]() ![]() |
Cost Actuals
Field | Description | |
Internal Costs | Sum of internal costs, whether billable or not. Internal costs are only for resources that are not marked as External. They are calculated using this formula: Approved timecard hours * Cost rate |
External Costs | Sum of external costs, whether billable or not. Milestones may contribute to flat External Cost if the External Cost field is completed, and the Log Cost as External checkbox is selected. For example, when you count subcontractor fees as a flat cost amount that helped you reach the milestone and achieve the billings. |
Expense Costs | Sum of approved expenses in expense reports, whether billable or not. | |
Other Costs | Any other project costs. Other costs might include things like material or capital costs incurred on the project. These are only generated through miscellaneous adjustments which can also generate any other category of revenue or cost. The Amount field of a budget also contributes to this field if the budget is of type Work Order or Work Order Change Request. | |
Total Costs | Total costs from all projects in the project hierarchy. |
Change Record
These fields record the user who last made changes to the actuals fields and when the change was made.
Field | Description | |
Actuals: Last Update Date | Date on which the Actuals fields were last updated. | |
Actuals: Last Updated By | Name of the user who made the last change to the Actuals fields. |
Project Variance
Project Variance Fields
The following fields on the Project object enable you to monitor and report on project variance.
Key: R – Read-only
Field |
Description |
Estimated Hours at Completion | R | An estimate of the total hours to be spent on a project. Calculated using Total Submitted Hours plus Scheduled Hours Remaining. |
Hours Cut Off Date | R | The date used to calculate a project's variance values. The date last week that corresponds to the last day in the project's work calendar is used. If no work calendar exists, last Sunday's date is used. |
Percent Hours Complete | R | The percentage of hours already completed on the project. Calculated using Total Submitted Hours divided by Estimated Hours at Completion multiplied by 100. |
Scheduled Hours Remaining | R | The number of hours not yet spent on a project. Calculated using assignments whose end date comes after the Hours Cut Off Date and takes into account scheduled hours and schedule exceptions. |
Total Submitted Hours | R | The number of hours spent on a project. Calculated using the total hours on submitted or approved timecards, when the Assignment lookup is not blank and the end date is before or the same as the date in the Hours Cut Off Date field. |
Variance at Completion | R | The difference between the original number of planned project hours and the Estimated Hours at Completion. Calculated using Planned Hours on a project minus Estimated Hours at Completion. |
Variance from Plan | R | The difference between the number of planned project hours and the number of submitted or approved timecard hours. Calculated using Planned Hours on a project minus Total Submitted Hours. |
Project Variance Visualforce Page
Key: R – Read-only
Field | Description | |
% Hours Complete | R | Percentage of hours already completed on the project against total anticipated hours. Calculated using Total Approved and Submitted Hours divided by Estimated Hours At Completion multiplied by 100. |
Cut Off Date | R | Date used to calculate a project's variance values. The last day in the week of the project's work calendar is used. Without a project work calendar, the last Sunday before today's date is used. Today's date is used when today is Sunday. |
Estimated Hours At Completion | R | Latest estimate of the total hours to be spent on the project. Calculated using Total Approved and Submitted Hours plus Scheduled Hours Forward. |
Scheduled Hours Forward | R | Hours not yet spent on a project. These are the total number of scheduled project hours (based on associated assignments) from a day after the cut off date up until the last scheduled date. This may be after the project end date when any assignments exceed the project end date. |
Total Approved and Submitted Hours | R |
Time spent on a project. Calculated from approved and submitted timecard hours on the project with a week ending date up to and inclusive of the cut off date. |
Variance At Completion (VAC) | R | Difference between the original number of planned project hours and the current estimate for the total hours. Calculated using Planned Hours minus Estimated Hours At Completion. VAC may be a negative number when the Planned Hours field is not populated with a value, or when the current estimate for Total Hours exceeds Planned Hours. |
Variance From Planned | R | Difference between the number of planned project hours and the number of approved or submitted timecard hours. Calculated using Planned Hours minus Total Approved and Submitted Hours. Planned Hours and Total Approved and Submitted Hours values relate to the project being viewed and exclude rolled up values from sub-projects. |
Time Actuals
Field | Description | |
Billable Hours (External) | Billable timecard hours from external resources. | |
Billable Hours (Internal) | Billable timecard hours from internal resources. These hours typically contribute to utilization. | |
Credited Hours |
Timecard hours from internal resources, where the timecard has the Time Credited checkbox checked. These hours typically contribute to utilization. |
Excluded Hours | Timecard hours from internal resources, where the timecard has the Time Excluded checkbox selected. These hours are also typically subtracted from calendar hours in utilization. | |
Non-Billable Hours (External) | All non-billable timecard hours from external resources, even if the Time Credited or Time Excluded checkboxes are selected. | |
Non-Billable Hours (Internal) | Non-billable timecard hours from internal resources, where the Time Credited and Time Excluded checkboxes are both deselected. |
When you run a backlog calculation the details are copied from the backlog detail object to the project.
Field | Description | |
External Time Cost | Value of the aggregated cost calculation for external resources in scheduled project backlog. | |
Billing Forecast Curve | A lookup to the related Billing Forecast Curve field. For more information, see Billing Forecasting Overview and Managing Curves for Billing Forecasts. | |
Internal Time Cost | Value of the aggregated cost calculation for internal resources in scheduled project backlog. | |
Milestone Cost | Value of the milestone cost calculation in scheduled project backlog. This value is zero unless the Log Milestone Cost As External field is selected on the Milestone object. | |
Scheduled Backlog Amount | Value of scheduled hours backlog. This is the expected revenue pertaining to resources assigned or milestones scheduled on a project. | |
Scheduled Backlog Calculation Date | Start date of scheduled backlog calculation (usually today). | |
Scheduled Backlog End Date | End date of scheduled backlog calculation | |
Scheduled Milestone | Value of scheduled milestone backlog.This value depends on the time period. For instance if the backlog is calculated for all time periods, the value includes all time periods up to the end of the last future milestone. Milestone backlog is generated from amounts associated with milestones with target dates in the forward looking backlog date range that have not yet been achieved where Include In Financials is false. These milestones represent expected future billings. | |
Scheduled Time | Value of scheduled time backlog. This value depends on the time period. For instance if the backlog is calculated for all time periods, the value includes all time periods up to the end of the last assignment. Scheduled time backlog is generated from billable assigned time multiplied by the assignment bill rate in the forward-looking backlog date range. This represents the future expected corresponding billable timecards. | |
Unscheduled Backlog | Value of the unscheduled backlog. This field only applies to perpetual time periods, usually all time periods. This is the remainder of project budget bookings that have not yet been allocated to actuals or to milestones or assignments. This is the budget minus actuals billings and scheduled milestone and time backlog. These might be in different time periods, so only the unscheduled backlog for the All Time Periods calculation for is usable. | |
Backlog: Last Update Date | Date on which the Backlog fields were last updated. | |
Backlog: Last Updated By | Name of the user who made the last change to the Backlog fields. |
Billing Eligible Records
Key: 1999 - The maximum number of records you can track in this field is 1999.
In addition, for an item to be eligible for billing, the following applies:
- Project Account – A project account must be selected.
- Project Exclude from Billing – must be deselected.
- Business record Billing Hold – must be deselected.
- Business record Include In Financials – must be selected.
- Business record Billable – must be selected on Timecard Splits, Expenses, Budgets, Milestones and Miscellaneous Adjustments.
- Business record Billed – must be deselected.
- Business record Invoiced – must be deselected.
- Business record – must not have an existing Billing Event Item lookup value.
- If your administrator has set the PSA approvalsEnabled configuration option in the Billing Group is set to true, the business record Approved for Billing checkbox must be selected.
- On Miscellaneous Adjustments, the Transaction Category field must match one of the transaction categories in the PSA miscellaneousAdjustmentCategories option in the Billing configuration group
A collection of configuration options contained in the configuration groups tab that defines behavior of a PSA object or feature..
Project Hierarchy
Field | Description | |
Parent Project | Next level up in the project hierarchy. | |
Master Project | Highest project in the hierarchy. | |
Hierarchy Depth | Level within the project hierarchy. | |
Project Name Chain | Name of system-generated chain for linking to the project. | |
Project ID Chain | ID for system-generated chain for linking to the project. |
Revenue Forecast
A Gantt chart is usually displayed on the Project Plan tab of a project record, although an administrator can configure it to be displayed elsewhere on the page and can change the name of the tab.
For information on the buttons available on a Gantt chart on a project record, see Project Gantt Lightning Component Fields and Buttons.
Project Team Schedule
The Project Team Schedule is usually displayed on the Resources tab of a project record, although an administrator can configure it to be displayed elsewhere on the page.
For information on the fields available on the Project Team Schedule, see Project Team Schedule Lightning Component Fields.
Integration Hub
The following fields are available for Integration Hub Connector: Concur - PSA and Integration Hub Connector: Jira - PSA.
Integration Hub Connector: Concur - PSA
The following field is available if you are using the Integration Hub Connector: Concur - PSA.
Key: R – Read-only
Field | Description | |
Send to Third-Party Expenses Application | R |
Formula field that indicates if the project is eligible for syncing with a third-party expenses application, for example, with Concur. Automatically selected if the Active field is selected and the Closed For Expense Entry field is not selected. |
Integration Hub Connector: Jira - PSA
The following fields are available if you are using the Integration Hub Connector: Jira - PSA.
Key: * – Mandatory fieldR – Read-only
Field | Description | |
Sync with Jira | Determines if the project is eligible for syncing with Jira. | |
Jira Correlation ID |
Unique identifier of the project in Jira. Automatically populated after the project is synced with Jira. |
Jira Project | * |
Key of the Jira project this project will be created as an issue in. |
Jira Project Key | * |
Unique key of the project in Jira used to prefix issues. |
Jira Project Type | * |
Project type in Jira. The following values are available:
Jira Project URL | R |
Hyperlink to the related project in Jira. |
Accounting Integration
If Services Resource Planning is installed in your org, additional fields are available on the Project object. For more information, see
Optional Related Lists
- Assignments
- Billing Event Calculations
- Billing Event Items
- Budgets
- Expenses
- Expense Limits/Rates
- Expenses Reports
- Immediate Sub-Projects
- Master Project for Sub-Projects
- Milestones
- Miscellaneous Adjustments
- Permission Controls
- Primary Project for Opportunities
- Project Actuals
- Project Sources
- Project Variance Batch Log
- Resource Requests
- Revenue Forecasts
- Revenue Forecast Batch Logs
- Timecards
- Timecard Splits
- Transaction Log (administrator only)
Button and Actions | Description |
Apply Rate Card Discount | Enables you to apply a rate card discount to project resource requests that have not been assigned or held. |
Create Change Request | Displays the Create Change Request page, which you can use to create a new change request opportunity from the project. |
Create Version | Enables you to create a new project version. |
Generate Resource Requests | Displays the Generate Resource Requests from Project Task Assignments page. |
Manage Project Tasks / Project Gantt | Displays the PSA Task Management page where you can manage project tasks. |
Project Planner | Displays the Project Planner. |
Run Revenue Forecast | Enables you to run a revenue forecast for this project. |
Share Project | Displays the Share Project page where you can share related objects such as milestones with resources assigned to the project. |