Using Resource Optimizer
You can use Resource Optimizer to hold and assign resources to resource requests. To hold resources, ensure one or more resources have been selected after selecting Match Resources, and click Hold Selected. Resources that are held are removed from the resource optimizer table.
Supported Environment
We recommend running Resource Optimizer on Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge (Chromium). Performance might be degraded if you use a browser we have not recommended.
The Project lookup field respects sharing rules. For more information, see Sharing a Project.
The Resource Optimizer Lightning App page respects Salesforce sharing rules. There might be additional resource request records on a project that you cannot view as you do not have permission to view. For example, you might not be able to view resource requests outside your region, and therefore you cannot optimize these records.
You can match resources to resource requests on an opportunity record. You cannot assign selected resource requests to resources on an opportunity record.
Matching Resources to Resource Request Conditions
The following conditions apply when matching resources to resource requests.
- You can match resources to resource requests on an opportunity record.
- You cannot assign selected resource requests to resources on an opportunity record.
- You cannot match resources to resource requests that are not linked to a project.
Priority and Weightings
The priority order and weightings section are accessed from the settings menu indicated by in the Resource Optimizer. The Priority section allows you to decide the order in which Resource Optimizer matches resources to your resource requests, by the fields and skills.
To amend the priority order in Resource Optimizer:
- Click
on the Resource Optimizer Panel.
- Amend the priority order using
for the fields and skills.
Click Apply to save your priority order.
Weightings allow you to decide how strictly Resource Optimizer matches resources to your resource requests, based on the individual weightings of your matching criteria. The weightings range on a scale from suggested to essential.
The matching criteria are comprised of the:
- Role
- Region
- Practice
- Group
- Worked with Customer
- Custom Fields
Customizing the weighting given to each area allows for personalized matches. For example, if it is essential that your matched resource is located within the USA, you can adjust the Region weighting by selecting 4 (Essential) on the weightings scale, providing the region is set to USA on your resource request.
To customize the weightings of your matching criteria:
on the Resource Optimizer Panel.
- Amend the weightings scale displayed underneath each area. The scale ranges from 1 (Suggested) to 4 (Essential.)
- Click Match Resources.
- Your matched resources are now updated for your resource requests to reflect the weightings.
- To reset the weightings, click Reset.
- Click Assign Selected to assign the updated matched resources to your resource requests.
Viewing a Resource's Schedule
To view details of a matched resource's schedule from the Resource Request table:
- Click any resource request displayed in the Resource Request column of the Resource Request table.
- In Resource Request Actions, click View Schedule.
- The resource's schedule is displayed.
The default view is Weeks, however, if you amend your view to days or months, this will be reflected the next time you open the Resource Schedule. The view will also be centered on the proposed start date of the selected resource request.
If required, the resource's schedule can also be displayed using the following options:
- Days
- Months
- Quarters
- Years
You can view six months of the selected resource’s schedule either side of the start and end dates of the proposed work. Click the Recenter button to return to the selected resource request’s start date.
You can view multiple resource requests in the Resource Schedule modal. The view is centered on the resource requested selected in the resource request table, when viewing multiple resource requests.
You can view the proposed work above the suggested resource’s schedule. This provides visibility for how the proposed work will fit into the schedule of the selected resource.
Resource Optimizer Filters
You can filter by the following criteria on the Resource Optimizer:
- Project
- Opportunity
- Region
- Practice
- Group
- Role
- Start Dates
Filter Behaviour
The following filter behaviors are defaulted, depending on how you navigate to the Resource Optimizer page:
- From the App Launcher. No values are defaulted in the Project, Opportunity or Region fields.
- From a source project. The Project filter is populated with the source project, and the project's resource requests are displayed on the page.
- From a source opportunity. The Opportunity filter is populated with the source opportunity, and the opportunity's resource requests are displayed on the page.
- The From field in the Start Date section defaults to today’s date.
- The date entered in the From field in the Start Date section remains when you select Clear on the Resource Optimizer filter panel.
You can display resource requests shared between a project and an opportunity, by specifying a project in the Project field, and an opportunity in the Opportunity field.
It is also possible to filter resource requests based on region, by specifying a region in the Region field. This filter functions as an AND filter, meaning it will display results that match all of your entered criteria, if you have specified a project and opportunity, role, practice and group additionally.
To display resource requests common to your selected project, opportunity, and region, click Apply. To clear your selected filter values, click Clear. To remove a source project or opportunity, click Reset.
To match resources to resource requests:
- Do one of the following:
Navigate to the Resource Optimizer Lightning App page. Use the Filters panel to select a project, opportunity or region to filter by. The Filters panel is open by default, click
to close and open the panel.
On a Project or Opportunity record page, click Optimize Resources for Requests in the Resource Requests action container. The source project or opportunity is pre-populated in the corresponding lookup field on the Filters panel. If you want, you can specify an alternative project or opportunity.
When a record is selected in the lookup:- A list of open resource requests with start dates from today's date is displayed in the Resource Request Data Table Fields for inclusion in resource matching. All resource requests are selected by default.
- The Matched Resource and Days Overrun columns are blank before you click Match Resources.
- The status column shows the status of resource requests.
- Do one of the following in the data table for the resource request records:
- Select all records. You can select a maximum of 200 resource requests to match against resources.
- Deselect the records you do not want to match.
- Click Match Resources. Note that you cannot assign a resource to a resource request unless the resource request is linked to a project. If any of your selected resource requests are not linked to a project, you are presented with the option of assigning those that meet this precondition. The resource matching process starts:
- The Matched Resource column is populated in the data table with a list of resources. Each individual resource is matched against a corresponding resource request in the data table. These are the resources deemed the best match for each resource request.
- The Days Overrun column might also be populated in the data table. This value is the calendar days overrun beyond the request end date for the resource request.
- Click Assign Selected to assign the matched resources to resource requests. Resources are only matched to resource requests linked with projects.
- [Optional] Click the name of a matched resource to enable the Resource Details icon
. Click
to view the resource details. For more information, see Contact Card Lightning Component Fields. Dates for the resource's availability are driven by the dates of the resource request they are matched against. Click
to close the Resource Details.
- [Optional] Select or deselect resource requests in the data table and Click Match Resources again. You might see some new results where alternative resources are matched against the selected resource requests in the data table.
- Click Assign Selected. If you have selected resource requests for assigning that are not associated with a project, these are not assigned to resources. You are notified if you have selected any resource requests that do not meet this condition.
- Click Assign or Cancel.
- The selected resource requests are assigned to matched resources and are removed from the data table.
- A maximum of 200 assignments are created. If too many resource requests are selected, you might need to deselect some and click Assign Selected again. For more information, see Assign Selected.
- The selected resource requests are assigned to matched resources and are removed from the data table.
To view the record of the resource request, click the resource request ID in the Resource Request.
If required, you can view details of matched resources' eligibility criteria. This enables you to determine whether a resource is a whole or partial match for a resource request, based on their credentials and skills. To do this, perform one of the following actions:
- Hover over a matched resource.
- Click
to view details of their matched criteria.
You can view whether a resource is successfully matched for the following credentials:
- Resource Role
- Region
- Group
- Practice
You can also view whether a resource is successfully matched based on skills, if required skills were included in the resource request.
Matching Process
The Matched Resource column is populated in the data table with a list of resources. Each individual resource is matched against a corresponding resource request in the data table. Each resource listed in this column is considered to be the best match for the corresponding resource request.
If your administrator has selected Enable Desirable Skills in the Skills Managementcustom setting when creating the resource request, you can see the list of matched and unmatched essential and desirable skills in the Requested Skills section on clicking .
In the Requested Skills section:
- Essential and Desirable skills that match are displayed first and are indicated by
- Essential and Desirable skills that do not match are displayed below and are indicated by
The best match is decided by scoring and filtering. The scoring and filtering can be affected by duplicate skill requests and skill ratings. For more information, see Intelligent Staffing for a Resource Request.
Matched Resource Column Hover
By hovering over a matched resource in the Matched Resource column, you can view whether the selected resource has the necessary credentials and skills outlined in the resource request. Note if skills were not included in the resource request, they will not appear in this section.
Credentials are displayed first. Matching criteria are displayed at the top and are indicated by .
Non-matching criteria are displayed below and are indicated by .
Skills are displayed underneath. Skills that match the required minimum rating are displayed at the top and are indicated by .
Skills that do not match the required minimum rating are displayed below and indicated by .
If no required criteria for matching are set on the resource request, then no criteria are displayed when hovering over a matched resource. A message is displayed confirming that no criteria have been matched successfully.
Resource Details
On clicking , you can view whether the selected resource has the necessary credentials and skills outlined in the resource request.
Under the Credentials or Requested Skills headings, successfully matched criteria are displayed at the top of the list of criteria and are indicated by .
Non-matched criteria are displayed at the bottom of the list of criteria by .
Skills and certifications that the resource has recorded as certified are indicated by .
Skills and certifications marked as aspirational for the resource are displayed and indicated by .