Contact Card Lightning Component Overview
The Contact Card Lightning component is available for the Resource Request and Contact Lightning record pages.
Contact cards can also appear as a part of other features in the form of a Resource Details panel, for example in Gantt on a project record and the Resource Optimizer. In these circumstances, the contact card is not a standalone Lightning component so additional details are documented with the relevant feature.
The contact card enables you to view details about a selected resource. The header section displays an image for the resource, their resource name, and role. The sections that you can expand or collapse are described below. For information about the default fields in these sections, see Contact Card Lightning Component Fields.
For more information about the custom Lightning components available, including adding them to your Lightning record page and customizing them, see PSA Lightning Components.

This section is displayed on the contact card for all Lightning pages and components.
You can view any detail fields that have been configured on the selected resource's contact record.
You can add additional read-only fields to a field set on the Contact object, and select this field set to display these fields in the Details section. For more information, see Contact Field Sets and Contact Card Lightning Component Properties.
By default, the Region, Practice, and Group fields are displayed. When the Contact Card component is added to a Lightning record page, the name of the resource and an image of the contact (if present on the Salesforce user record) is displayed.
To view any additional lookup fields that you add to the Contact Card component from a Contact field set, you must also add these lookup fields to your Contact Lightning record page.

This section is displayed on the contact card for all Lightning pages and components.
You can view daily availability in months in the calendar for a selected resource. Daily availability data is calculated from the resource's assignments and resource requests, and their work calendar. Availability information is updated accordingly when a resource is held or assigned. The following dots represent daily resource availability.
Dot | Resource Percentage Allocation For the Day |
No dots | Holiday or day with zero working hours according to the selected resource’s work calendar. |
Three non-colored dots | No hours allocated. |
One blue dot | More than 0% but less than 50% allocated. |
Two blue dots | More than or equal to 50% but less than 100% allocated. |
Three blue dots | Exactly 100% allocated. |
Three red dots | Over 100% allocated. |
When Show Resource Requests is deselected, the selected resource's resource requests are excluded from their availability calculation in this section. For more information, see Contact Card Lightning Component Properties.
When you hover over a day, the following data is shown for the selected resource derived from their work calendar, holidays, assignments, and resource requests:
- Available Hours
- Assigned Hours
- Held Hours
- Non-Working Days
When you click a day in the calendar, available, assigned, and held hours are displayed in the Resource Schedule section, as well as the assignments and held resource requests.
An administrator can control whether a resource's logged hours are displayed by selecting the Contact Card Show Logged Hours checkbox in the Lightning App Builder for any Lightning pages or components that contain the Contact Card Lightning component. The logged hours for the date range are displayed in a tooltip and include logged hours for non-working days.

This section is only displayed when you view the contact card from the Resource Request Lightning page. It is not displayed if you access the contact card from any other Lightning page or Lightning component.
You can view a resource's certified skills, certifications, skills aspirations, and ratings that match any skills or certifications selected in the Resource Filter on the Resource Request Lightning page.
To view skills, one or more skills must be included in the Resource Filter. If Match Any skills is selected, at least one skill must be matched at the specified rating for the skill. You do not necessarily see all the skills for a resource, only those that match the filter.
When you have not filtered on any skills in the Resource Filter, certified skills, certifications, aspirations, and ratings are not displayed.
To view details of a resource's skills experience, click View Experience. The Manage Skills and Certifications window is displayed, showing a list of the resource's skills on the Skills tab. The Experience column indicates whether the resource has experience in using a particular skill. Alternatively, you can select the Experience tab to view details of the resource's experience. For more information, see Managing Skills, Certifications, and Experience for Resources.

This section is only displayed when you view the contact card from the Resource Request Lightning page. It is not displayed if you access the contact card from any other Lightning page or Lightning component.
You can view details of matched resources' eligibility criteria. This enables you to determine whether a resource is a whole or partial match for a resource request.
To do this, perform either of the following:
- Hover over a matched resource displayed in the Matched Resource column of the Resource Request table
- Click a matched resource to view details of their matched criteria in the Credentials and Requested Skills sections of the Resource Details tab.

This section is visible on the contact card for all Lightning pages and components.
You can view details of assignments and resource requests for a selected resource that fall fully or partially within the date range:
- If the contact card is on the Resource Request Lightning page, the date range displayed is the range selected in the Resource Filter.
- If the contact card is on the Contact Lightning page, the date range displayed is the resource's current working week, based on the week start day in their work calendar. If the resource does not have a work calendar, Sunday is used as the default week start day. This means a Sunday to Saturday range that contains today’s date is used.
By default, both assignments and resource requests are displayed. If you do not want resource requests to be displayed, an administrator can configure the PSA Contact Card component in the Lightning App Builder to hide them.
If you do not want to display any resource requests and assignments with zero hours that are linked to the resource in the Resource Schedule, select Hide Zero Hour Commitments.
To display information when you hover over an assignment or a resource request, an administrator can configure the Contact Card component to show the fields you need.
For more information on the relevant field sets, see the following:
Also displayed next to each record by default is the amount of time the resource is required to work on an assignment or resource request as a percentage of their working time. This is calculated using the resource's work calendar and the date range displayed. An administrator can configure the Contact Card component to display the scheduled time in hours. This is calculated using the assignment or resource request's schedule and the date range selected in the Resource Filter.
For the selected resource's assignments and resource requests within the filtered date range, a summary bar shows the following:
- Hours that are available for scheduling
- Assigned hours
- Held hours
An administrator can control whether a resource's accumulated logged hours are displayed for the selected date range by selecting the Contact Card Show Logged Hours checkbox in Lightning App Builder for any Lightning pages or components that contain the Contact Card Lightning component. By default, logged hours are not displayed.