Managing Budgets
The Budget list displays the list of the budget to which you have access to either as a budget owner, budget holder, budget creator, or due to the sharing of one budget with read-only or read-write permissions. From this page, you can view detailed information and access other related information.
- Click the app name to view its details.
- Click New to create a budget.
- View budget information from the respective columns.
- The App column shows the name of the budget.
- The View column shows the summary of the budget.
- The Income column shows the number of income line items associated with the budget.
- The Expense column shows the number of expense line items associated with the budget.
- The Margin column shows the total margin for the budget.
- The Currency column shows the currency of the budget.
- The Period column shows the period when the budget was created.
- The Owner column shows the budget holder's name.
- The Status column shows the status of the budget.
- The Company column shows the company with which the budget is associated.
- The FF1s-FF4s columns show the dimensions of the budget.
- The Template column shows the title of the budget template.
For more information, see Viewing Custom Object Lists in the Salesforce Help.

Depending on budget requirements, you can:
- View all accounts, income, and expenses on a project and choose to delete them.
- View Financial information based on a budget or simple line group. You can use this information to prepare a Statement of Works and understand your budget margin.
- View the budget details for amount, time, and quantity based on the different budget template type selections.
- View the information directly at the budget level instead of opening budget lines.
- View only budgets assigned to an owner.
- View the budgets that you hold, in the budget list.
- View the budgets shared with you as a user.
- Include the budgets and budget headcounts shared via user or group.
To view information on a budget:
- Navigate to the budgets list or detail page and click any budget for which you want to view the budget.
- Click
| View to view the budget line item details.
- On the Details subtab, view the budget name, owner, budget order number, budget holder, the status of the budget, associated parent, template and company. You can also edit the values in the fields. For more information, see Editing the Budget Details. You can also view budget details based on the Company Currency and Corporate currency.
- On the Budget Line Items subtab:
- [Optional] Click
| Budget Currency to view the budget line items amount in company currency. Only applicable to multi-currency budgets.
- [Optional] Click
| Corporate Currency to view the budget line items amount in corporate currency. Only applicable to multi-currency budgets.
- [Optional] Click View Amount to view the budget template amount. Only applicable to the Employee and Rate, and Rate and Quantity budget templates.
- [Optional] Click View Quantity to view the budget quantity summary. Only applicable to the Rate and Quantity budget template.
- [Optional] Click View Time to view the budget template time. Only applicable to the Employee and Rate budget template.
- [Optional] Click Show More to view detailed information about the budget.
- [Optional] Click Filter to filter the budget information based on your need. For more information, see Defining and Applying Filters in Budgets.
- [Optional] Click

To view summary information on a budget:
- Navigate to the budgets list and click the Summary link from the View column to view the budget summary based on the budget lines and budget filters.
- Use the Details and Apps toggle option to filter and view the budget summary.
- Click Budgets to go back to the Budgets detail page.
- Click Budgets List to go back to the Budgets list page.
- Click Excel Document | Consolidated Budget to download and view the overall summary of all budgets.
- Click Excel Document | Individual Budget to download budget information individually.

You can only edit the budget details if you have read-write permission on the budget. To edit a budget detail:
- Click the budget from the list page that you want to edit.
- Click Edit. The Edit Budget window appears.
- Change the fields you want to update. When you have finished, click Save.

You can also edit the budget details from the Details subtab. However, in future releases of the Planning the Details subtab will be deprecated.
- Click the budget from the list page that you want to edit.
- Click the Details subtab.
- If needed, in the Title field, update the title for the budget.
- [Optional] From the Owner field, select the budget owner.
- [Optional] In the Order Number field, update the order number of the budget.
- From the Budget Holder, select the assigned budget holder who has the privileges to access the budget.
- [Optional] Update the description.
- [Optional] In the Parent (admin only) field, select the parent for the budget.
- In the Template (admin only), select the template mapped with the budget. It is recommended not to change the budget template.
- [Optional] In the Status (admin only), enter either of the following budget statuses:
- Open
- Closed
- Active
- Inactive
- [Optional] Select the checkbox to mark the status as final.
- In the Company (admin only) field, update the company associated with the budget. The company type depends on the setting of the budget dimension.
- [Optional] Update the budget dimensions in the respective FF1s -FF4s fields.
For a complete description of the fields, see Budgets Fields.

You can clone one or more budgets and associate them with any parent budget. If you clone a parent budget with associated children's budgets, only the parent budget will be cloned.
To clone an existing budget:
- Click the budget from the list page that you want to clone.
- Change the fields you want to update and click
| Clone. A new budget is created with “Cloned” added to the budget title.

After downloading the budget lines, you can view the consolidated and sub-consolidated budgets in Microsoft Excel.
To download budget lines:
- From the list page where you want to download the budget lines, click the budget.
- Click
| Download Files.
- Browse to the file download location.
You can use the budget to import budget line details from an Excel file and save the data as a new budget line.
To create a budget line from an Excel file:
- From the list page where you want to upload a new budget line, click the budget.
| Upload Files. The File Upload dialog window appears.
- Click Upload Files.
- From the local drive, select the Excel file containing the budget line you want to import from the browser.
If you do not need to edit the line titles in Microsoft Excel, click OK. Click Cancel to update titles automatically according to the template title rule.

Using recalculate budget feature, you can recalculate the budget to apply the calculation rules linked to the budget template used for the budget creation.
To recalculate the budget formula:
- Click the budget from the list page.
- Update the necessary details.
- Click Recalculate Budget to recalculate the budget details. You can also recalculate multiple budgets.

You can restore and take the backup for any budget anytime.
- Click the budget from the list page.
- Click
| Restore. The Backup List window displays the list of all budgets.
- Click Restore to restore the budget. You can also view the logs for each budget by clicking the log link against the budget title.
- Click
to refresh the list of budgets.
- Click Cancel to abort the backup list and return to the Budgets list.

Only users who are budget owners can delete a budget from a budget list. The Delete button will no longer be visible to non-budget owners in the budget list. To delete a budget that you no longer need:
- Locate the budget you want to delete on the links or list pages, click its name to display its detail page.
- Click
| Delete. A warning message is displayed.
- Click OK to confirm the deletion. The record gets deleted.

To define a filter:
- From the Budget Line items subtab. Click
to open the Filters panel.
- In the FF1s - FF4s fields, select the filter's dimensions to refine it.
- Click Apply. The filtered budgets are displayed in the Budget Line items subtab.
To reset all filters, click Clear at the top of the panel to reset the active filters and click Apply.

To configure the Submit for Approval button, perform the following steps:
- In the Salesforce Help, create an approval process for the Tag object.
- From the Planning Setup tab, click Dimensions | Budget App.
- Select the desired created approval process from the Tag approval process pick list.
- Click Save.

To grant user access to the budget:
- To grant user access to the budget, click
| Share. The Share button is only visible if you have read or write permission assigned to the budget.
- In the Search field, select Users or Groups, specify the user assigned to the budget and have privileges to access the budget or group name to search for the user or group you want access to using the lookup. You must click outside the lookup list to close the users or groups list.
- From the Budget Access Level field, select the budget access level from the drop-down. The following are the budget access:
- –None–
- Read Only
- Read/Write
- Click Save to save the shared information.
- To edit the shared budget information, click the Edit hyperlink to view, edit, or remove the shared information for that particular user or group.
- In the Access Level column, choose the user or group you want to edit or remove the budget access level and click
and select the access level. For example, Remove Access, Read Only Access, and Read/Write Access.

- In your selected budget, click Update Exchange Rate.
- In Budget Period, select From to select the start or start period.
- In Budget Period, select To to select the end date or end period.
- In Exchange Rate Details, select the group, rate type, currency, and date.
- Click Update.
Viewing Multiple Currencies in the Budget Toolbar
To view multiple currencies in the budget toolbar, perform the following steps:
- Click on the currency icon.
- Select currency type. For example, Company Currency or Home Currency.