Importing Reporting Definitions
If you have received a portable reporting definition file or you are transferring a portable reporting definition file between Salesforce orgs that you control, you must upload the file into Salesforce Files in the target Salesforce org before you import it. See the Salesforce Help for more information.
To upload the file into the Salesforce Files in the target org:
- Sign into the target org.
- Go to Salesforce Files and upload the portable reporting definition file.
To create a new reporting definition The top-level object from which reports are run. from the information held in a portable reporting definition file in Salesforce Files:
- Click the Reporting Definitions tab.
- Click Custom Import (not Import). If the Custom Import button is not displayed, change to the list view to a different view.
- Select one portable reporting definition file.
- Click Import to create a new reporting definition record and all its related child records from the information held in the portable reporting definition file.
- Specify a name for the new reporting definition in the Report Definition Name field.
If the name of the imported reporting definition is not already in use, the Report Definition Name field is automatically populated. You can change the name or use the default. See What is a Reporting Definition? for more information.

In previous versions of Reporting, reporting definitions were imported and exported through the Documents tab. In Reporting V6 and later, reporting definitions are imported or exported through the Files tab. Newly exported reporting definitions have the file extension .ffr.

- Right-click your reporting definition file and select Get Info.
- In the Name and Extension section, ensure that the Hide Extension checkbox is not selected.
- Change the filename extension from .txt to .ffr.
- Upload the file into Salesforce Files in your org.
- Click the Reporting Definitions tab.
- Click Custom Import (not Import). If the Custom Import button is not displayed, change the list view to a different view.
Your definition is listed for import.

- Navigate to the reporting definition file that you want to import in Windows Explorer.
- In the top left, select Organize then select Folder and Search Options.
- In the folder options, select the View tab.
- In Advanced Settings, clear the Hide extensions for known file types option.
- Click OK.
- Change the filename extension from .txt to .ffr.
- Click the Reporting Definitions tab.
- Click Custom Import (not Import). If the Custom Import button is not displayed, change the list view to a different view.
Your definition is listed for import.