Creating Purchase Order Lines for a Purchase Order Associated with a Purchase Contract
To create purchase order lines for a purchase order associated with a purchase contract:
- On the purchase order record page, click Add Lines from Contract.
- In the Add Lines from Purchase Contract window that opens, select the checkboxes of the purchase contract lines that you want to add as purchase order lines. Only active purchase contract lines are displayed.
- Click Save.
When you create purchase order lines using the Add Lines from Contract action, most fields are pre-populated with the values from the originating purchase contract lines. A purchase order line is created for each of the selected purchase contract lines.

- On the purchase order record page, click New in the Purchase Order Line Items related list.
- Select the type of purchase order line that you want to create. See Purchase Order Line Types.
- Click Next.
- Specify the goods or services that you want to purchase. Depending on the selected line type, one of the following fields will be displayed: Item Being Procured, Category, or Description. For information on considerations for creating category purchase order lines, see Considerations for Creating Category Purchase Order Lines.
- In the Quantity field, enter the quantity of the goods or services that you want to purchase.
- In the Unit Cost field, enter the cost of one unit of the goods of services that you are purchasing.
- In the Supplier Commitment Date field, enter the supplier commitment date.
- In the Supplier Current Promise Date field, enter the supplier current promise date.
- In the Purchase Contract Line field, select the purchase contract line that you want to associate with the purchase order line.
- [Optional] Complete the remaining fields. For more information, see Purchase Order Fields.
- Click Save.
- Repeat these steps until you have created the required purchase order lines.
When creating the purchase order line using Classic, you must ensure that:
- The purchase order that you are creating the line for is already associated with a purchase contract.
- The selected purchase contract line belongs to the purchase contract associated with the purchase order.
- The selected purchase contract line has a status of "Active".
- The purchase order line and the selected purchase contract line have the same values for the Line Type, Category, and Condition fields.
- If the purchase order line is of type Item or Capital Equipment, both the purchase order line and the selected purchase contract line have the same value for the Item Being Procured field.
Once the purchase order line is created, you cannot change the Purchase Contract Line field. You must cancel the purchase order line and create a new one.