Editing Payable Credit Notes
To update selected details on a payable credit note, click Edit on a payable credit note detail or list page, at any time prior to posting, and then change the fields you want to update.
See Payable Credit Note Fields for a full description of the standard fields that make up a payable credit note.
We do not recommend changing a default value if it is applicable to the line item that you want to add or edit.
For information about maintaining the lines on an existing credit note, see Payable Credit Note Line Items.
When you have finished, click Save. You can also click Save & New to save the current document and immediately begin to create another.
Amending a Posted Payable Credit Note
This section describes how to amend a posted payable credit note inLightning Experienceand in the different editions of our application. If you are unsure about the version you are using, contact your administrator.

Once you have posted the payable credit note, that is, when the credit note status is "Complete", you can only amend (add, edit or delete) the values in the following detail fields:
- Due Date
- Credit Note Description
- Reference 1
- Reference 2
- Dimensions 1-4 (see Notes)
- Income Tax Type (must be a federally reportable 1099 vendor)
- External Tax Status
- Custom fields
- Custom fields that have been set up for sub-analysis mapping
Mapping of custom fields at header and line level for the purpose of profitability reporting. (see Note 1)
To amend the details of a payable credit note:
- Click thePayable Credit Notestab.
- From the list view, click the "Complete" payable credit note that you want to amend.
- On the credit note detail page, clickAmend Details. The Amend Payable Credit Note window displays.
- Modify the fields listed above as required. For more information on the fields, see Payable Credit Note Fields.
- ClickSave.
For information on how to amend payable credit note lines, seeAmending Lines after Posting.

To amend (add, edit or delete) the contents of a limited set of fields on a posted payable credit note, do one of the following:
- In Classic Edition
The view of the application that you see when you first install the base managed package., click Amend Document.
- In Extended Edition
The view of the application that you see when you install one of the extension packages (such as the Cash Entry Extension package). For invoices, credit notes, and journals Extended Edition is integrated into the main package, but must be configured., click Classic Edit.
The changes that you make are also automatically reflected in both the related transaction A record created when documents are posted to the general ledger. Transactions must balance (sum to zero) in home, dual, and document currency. and the appropriate balances. The type of balances that are updated automatically depend on how your organization has been configured.
- Due Date
- Credit Note Description
- Reference 1
- Reference 2
- Line Descriptions
- Vendor Invoice Number
- Credit Note Reason
- Dimensions 1–4 (see Notes)
- Income Tax Type (must be a federally reportable 1099 vendor)
- External Tax Status
- Custom fields that have been set up for sub-analysis mapping
Mapping of custom fields at header and line level for the purpose of profitability reporting. (see Note 1)