Posting Payable Credit Notes
The Post button on the payable credit note detail page allows you to post an "In Progress" payable credit note. In Classic Edition The view of the application that you see when you first install the base managed package., the Save & Post button first saves the document then posts it in the same way as if you had clicked the Save and Post buttons separately.
In some situations, the posting isn't immediate. The document is set to "Ready to Post" and it is batched up for posting by a scheduled job. A "Ready to Post" document cannot be amended, discarded, printed, or manually posted.
For more information about:
- Setting up the scheduled job, see Setting up the Background Posting Scheduler.
- Posting documents asynchronously using Background Posting Scheduler, see About the Background Posting Scheduler.
Payable credit notes are batched up for posting by a scheduled job in the following situations:
- When the payable credit note exceeds the lines threshold set for payable credit notes in the Accounting Settings custom setting.
- When the payable credit notes has its tax value calculated by AvaTax.
- When you post payable credit notes from a list view.
When a payable credit note is posted, two or more transaction line items are posted to your current company's general ledger and the payable credit note is assigned a transaction number. The sum of these transaction line items is zero in document, home and dual currency.
The potential settlement discounts and dates are calculated using the document date and the vendor's credit terms Set of terms used to determine due dates and discounts for the goods and services bought or sold. Terms can be set at account level for vendors and/or company level for customers.. The discount information is stored on the transaction for use according to the payment date set in Payments or according to the discount date set in Cash Matching.
The posted payable credit note is now "Complete" and you can no longer discard it or add new lines to it.
If a payable credit note was created from a payable invoice and both documents remain unmatched, you can click the Post & Match button on its detail page to post the "In Progress" credit note and match it to the associated invoice. If the credit note fails either to post or to match, it will be neither posted nor matched regardless of whether the failure occurred during the posting or the matching process. You will remain on the payable credit note detail page so that you can correct the credit note details. In Lightning Experience you can use the Match button if you only want to match the documents and leave the posting of the payable credit note for later. See Creating a Credit Note from a Payable Invoice for related information.
- [Lightning Experience Only]
- Single-company mode: When you have one current company selected, you do not need to specify a company when posting a payable credit note for the currently selected company.
- Multi-company mode: When you have more than one current company selected, you can post a payable credit note for any of the selected companies. You do not need to change the current company.
- Administrators can post payable credit notes for any of their user companies, regardless of their current company selection.
- You can only post a payable credit note if the following conditions are met:
- The payable credit note has a status of "In Progress".
- The payable credit note contains at least one line.
- The relevant vendor account has an account trading currency and an accounts payable control account associated with it. Also, all the related products have appropriate payable analysis accounts assigned to them.
- If the payable credit note was created from an intercompany transfer
Object used as a staging location for data used when transferring costs to other companies in the same organization., the account line on the transaction will use the accounts payable GLA from the related intercompany definition
Defines the intercompany control accounts to use when transferring costs between companies in the same organization. not the accounts payable GLA from the account. This is so that you can use the same vendor account with many companies and each one can have its own set of control accounts.
- Do not post any documents to a period that is being revalued. Wait for the whole currency revaluation process and all related batch jobs to complete before continuing to post documents.
To post a payable credit note using Lightning:
- Click the Payable Credit Notes tab.
- From the list view, click the payable credit note that you want to post.
- On the payable credit note's detail page, click Post or Post & Match if the payable credit note was created from a payable invoice and you also want to match them. The Post Payable Credit Note window displays.
- Click Post.
Posting Multiple Payable Credit Notes
To post multiple payable credit notes:
- Click the Payable Credit Notes tab.
- Choose a predefined view from the drop-down list to select the records to display. Alternatively, you can select Create New View to define your own list view.
- Use the checkboxes on the left to select one or more payable credit notes that you want to post.
- Click Post. If you don't see this button, contact your administrator.
The status of each selected credit note becomes "Ready to Post" and they are batched up for posting by a scheduled job.
If you do not want to wait for the next scheduled job you can click Background Post to start the Background Posting Scheduler immediately. This button is only available if you have been given the necessary permissions for Background Posting.
Trigger-Posting Payable Credit Notes using Datastream
The Trigger Posting feature enables you to automatically post a document either synchronously or asynchronously by updating its header using Datastream.
To trigger-post documents using Datastream:

- Create the source data in a spreadsheet. If you are importing multiple documents, we recommend using the Batching feature of Datastream. For more information and examples, see Creating a Source Data Spreadsheet to Use with Datastream.
- Paste the spreadsheet data into the Foundations Datastream page. For more information, see Using Datastream.
- Click Save. Datastream displays the newly imported documents, including their new record IDs.

- In the Foundations Datastream tab, copy the record IDs of the documents you have imported.
- Return to the spreadsheet and replace the existing values in the ID column with the record IDs you have copied from Datastream.

- Create a new column in the spreadsheet called Trigger Posting.
- In the Trigger Posting column, specify a trigger-posting method for each of the documents that you want to post by entering one of the following values: Synchronous or Asynchronous.

- Return to the Foundations Datastream tab.
- Click Clear.
- Paste the updated spreadsheet data.
- Ensure that the Trigger Posting column shows the values you specified.
- Click Save.
If a trigger-posting job is successful:
- The document's Trigger Posting field displays the value you specified.
- The document's status changes to "Complete".
If a trigger-posting job is unsuccessful:
- The document's Trigger Posting field remains blank.
- The document's Trigger Posting Error field displays the error that occurred during the trigger-posting.
- The document's status remains "In Progress".

If a single document in a trigger-posting job causes an error, the whole job is canceled. Do the following:
- Open the list page for the document type that you trigger-posted.
- Check the Trigger Posting Error fields of the documents that you trigger-posted.
- Identify the document that caused the error and interrupted the trigger-posting job. If an error occurred while trigger-posting multiple documents:
- One of the documents displays a message about the error that interrupted the trigger-posting job.
- The remaining documents display a message that the document could not be trigger-posted because an error occurred when trigger-posting another document at the same time.
- Fix the error that interrupted the trigger-posting job.
- Repeat the steps in section Re-import New Document Records using Datastream to trigger-post the documents again. If necessary, repeat all the steps in this section, identifying any further errors that might interrupt the trigger-posting job.