Budget Line Items Details
You can add income and expense lines to an existing budget. No income and expense lines are created when you create a new budget.
Adding an Income and Expense Line
To add an income and expense line:
- After creating a new budget, navigate to the budget page and click the Budget Line Items subtab.
- Click Add to add an income or expense line to the Income or Expense section.
- [Optional] Edit the budget line title.
- [Optional] Select a GL account for your budget line from the GL Account field.
- [Optional] Select the dimensions from FF1s, FF2s, FF3s, and FF4s fields.
- [Optional] Enter a description for the budget line.
- Complete the options and fields for Totals, Employee and Rate, and Rate and Quantity. The options and fields available depend on the budget template that you have selected.
- Spread: Spread the number set in the base amount field to all periods in the line.
- Spread by periods: Spread the number set by periods in the base amount field.
- Multiply by: Multiply the number set in the base amount field by the amount in periods.
- Divide by: Divide the existing amount into periods by the number set in the base amount field.
- Increase by: Add the number set in the base amount field to the existing one in periods.
- Reset: Reset the number set in the base amount field to the existing one in periods.
- [Optional] Select the rate from the Rate field.
- [Optional] Enter a description for the budget line.
- In the Base Amount field, enter a base time to fill in the budget lines. There are different options to enter time in the budget income and expense line:
- Spread: Spread the number set in the Base Time field to all periods in the line.
- Spread by periods: Spread the number set by periods in the Base Time field.
- Multiply by: Multiply the number set in the Base Time field by the time in periods.
- Divide by: Divide the existing time into periods by the number set in the Base Time field.
- Increase by: Add the number set in the Base Time field to the existing one in periods.
- Reset: Reset the number set in the base amount field to the existing one in periods.
- [Optional] Select the product from the Product field.
- [Optional] Select the price book from the Price book field.
- [Optional] Enter a description for the budget line.
- In the Base Amount field, enter a base quantity to fill in the budget lines. There are different options to enter the quantity in the budget income and expense line:
- Spread: Spread the number set in the Base Quantity field to all periods in the line.
- Spread by periods: Spread the number set by periods in the Base Quantity field.
- Multiply by: Multiply the number set in the Base Quantity field by the time in periods.
- Divide by: Divide the existing time into periods by the number set in the Base Quantity field.
- Increase by: Add the number set in the Base Quantity field to the existing one in periods.
- Reset: Reset the number set in the base amount field to the existing one in periods.
- Click Apply to apply the budget line to the budget.
- [Optional] Click Show More to view detailed information about the budget.
- [Optional] Click Filter to filter the budget information based on your need. For more information, see Defining and Applying Filters in Budgets.
- [Optional] Click View Amount to view the budget template amount. Only applicable for the Employee and Rate and Rate and Quantity budget templates.
- [Optional] Click View Quantity to view the budget quantity summary. Only applicable for the Rate and Quantity budget template.
- [Optional] Click View Time to view the budget template time. Only applicable for the Employee and Rate budget template.
- [Optional] Click View Summary to view the budget summary. For more information, see Viewing the Budget Summary.
- Click Save.

In the Base Amount field, enter a base amount to fill in the budget lines. There are different options to enter amounts in the budget income and expense line: