Creating a Mapping Rule
By applying mapping rules, you can transform records from Planning or Accounting - Reporting Balances into Planning.
You must create a corresponding mapping rule to convert records from one dimension to another. You must specify the source of the records, where the information will be mapped, and the details you want to transfer across.

To create a mapping rule:
- Do one of the following:
- On the Links page, click Modeling Rules | Mapping Rules.
- On the Planning Workspace tab, in the Navigation Pane, click Mapping Rules.
- Click New.
- Select the source as Planning to create a new mapping rule.
- Click Next.
- In the General section:
- Enter the title for the posting rule. The name must be unique.
- Select the Template checkbox to use the posting rule as a template when creating a new budget.
- Enter the description for the posting rule.
- Select the source head tag dimension from the picklist. For example, Budget App.
- Select the resulted head tag dimension from the picklist. For example, BP_FF_Mapping Configuration.
- Select the source child tag dimension from the picklist. For example, Budget App Amount.
- Select the resulted child tag dimension from the picklist. For example, BP_FF_Mapping Configuration.
- Enter the filter in the Source Head Tag Filter field. For example, ff_bp__Tag3Name__c = '2021'.
- Enter the filter in the Source Child Tag Filter field. For example, ff_bp__Text1__c='income'.
- If needed, select the balance needed checkbox.
- If needed, select the split result checkbox to split the result.
- Select the calculation rules from the picklist. To know more about calculation rules, see Calculation Rules.
- Enter the debit or credit balance amount. For example, $Debit.
- Enter the information in the Delay field.
- Select the folder from the picklist. To know more about folders, see Folders
- [Optional] Enter the class name in the Run After Jobs Class Name field.
- Select the configuration name from the Configuration Set picklist field.
- In the Source section:
- Enter the Alias and its field in the respective fields. For example, Alias as Header_Income_1 and Field as Header.ff_bp__Decimal1__c.
- To add a new alias and its field, enter the new alias and field information and click Add.
- In the Result section:
- Enter the description, path, and default values in the respective fields.
- Select the source line. For example,
- Description - Header_Total_1
- Source line - Account. By default, it is selected as reserved.
- Path - Header.ff_bp__Decimal1__c
- Default - $Credit
- To add a new result.
- Enter the description, path, and default values.
- Select the source line.
- Click Add.
- Click Dimension Catalog to refine the dimension settings or simplify filter settings.
- Click Save to save the record. Click Save as Draft to save the changes as a draft.
- Click Apply to apply the mapping rule.
- Click Undo to remove the rule.
- Click Clone to clone the mapping rule. For more information, see Cloning Mapping Rules.
- Click Create Default Lines to create default lines.
- Click Prediction.
- Click Export to export the mapping rule.

To create a mapping rule using the Accounting Reporting Balances dimensions, perform the following:
- Do one of the following:
- On the Links page, click Modeling Rules | Mapping Rules.
- On the Planning Workspace tab, in the Navigation Pane, click Mapping Rules.
- Click New.
- Select the source as Accounting Reporting Balances to create a new mapping rule.
- Click Next.
- In the New Mapping Rule window, enter the following information:
- In the Name field, use the pre-populated name or enter a unique name using a minimum of five characters.
- In the Budget Year field, select the budget year from the picklist of existing budget years.
- In the Start Date and End Date fields, select a start and end date for the records from the reporting balance. The accounting and planning periods are populated in the Mapping Periods table based on the start and end dates. You can manually choose the accounting and planning periods if they are not populated.
- In the Reporting Balance Type field, select the reporting balance type. For example, Actual, Budget, or Forecast.
- In the Company field, select the company name. The general ledger accounts are populated based on the company name.
- Click Next.
- In Dimension fields 1-4, if needed, select one or more dimensions. The selected dimension criteria will appear as a budget line when the budget is created. In each dimension, you can apply the appropriate filters to the Reporting Balances to create your budget.
- Click Next.
- Select at least one general ledger account from the General Ledger Accounts table.
- Click Next.
- In the Budget Name field, enter a unique budget name. For example, Lata Budget.
- In the Budget Currency field, select the currency type. For example, Company Currency or Corporate Currency.
- In the Template field, select the budget template from the picklist of existing budget templates. The supported budget template is General Template.
- [Optional] In the Parent Budget field, select the parent budget from the picklist of existing parent budgets. Only parent budgets with the previously selected budget year are shown.
- [Optional] Enter a short description for the budget.
- [Optional] Select the Create Several Budgets checkbox to create more than one budget.
- [Optional] In the Criteria field, select a criterion.
- Click Next.
- Review the summary of the reporting balance and budget, and choose one of the following options:
- Click Save to save the new mapping rule record with the Accounting Reporting Balances dimensions. This will store the information related to the budget without creating a budget.
- Click Save & Apply to save and apply the mapping rule. The list view automatically refreshes when you apply a new mapping rule to display the new mapping rules created.
You can view the budget created after applying the mapping rule from the Budgets List. For more information, see Managing Budgets.
Creating a Mapping Rule from Other Sources
To create a mapping rule from Other Source data, perform the following:
- Do one of the following:
- On the Links page, click Modeling Rules | Mapping Rules.
- On the Planning Workspace tab, in the Navigation Pane, click Mapping Rules.
- Click New.
- Select the source as Other Source to create a new mapping rule.
- Select your source from the Source dropdown list, for example Sales Orders or Revenue Schedules Lines.
- Click Next.
- In the Name field, enter a unique name.
- In the Budget Year field, select a budget year. Budget Year start and end dates will be used to filter source records.
- In the Source Date field, select a Date Type field from the Source Object to filter records.
- In the Source for Budget Amount field, select a source.
- In the Budget Lines Grouping Criteria field, select a grouping criteria.
- In the Line Type field, select Expense or Income.
- [Optional] In the General Ledger Account field, select a general ledger account from Planning.
- Click Next.
- In the Budget Name field, use the populated name or enter a unique name.
- In the Company field, select a company.
- In the Budget Currency field, the corporate currency is chosen by default. If the previously selected Source for Budget Amount field is not a currency field, this field is disabled.
- In the Template field, select a budget template.
- [Optional] In the Parent Budget field, select a parent budget. Only parent budgets with the previously selected budget year are shown.
- [Optional] In the Description field, enter a description of the budget.
- Click Save or Save & Apply. After creating a budget, you will receive a confirmation email.